Chapter 16

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Obi Wan, Alia and Anakin entered the night club... everyone stared at them.

"Why do I think you are gonna be the death of me?" questioned Obi wan.

"Don't say that Master... you're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you, I never wanna cause you pain." Anakin said slightly confused.

Alia smiled... she knew he meant those words, Anakin really loved Obi wan... and it made Alia's heart flutter.

"Then why don't you listen to me?" Obi Wan questioned...

"I will..I'll do better, I promise." Anakin said.

"You too be extra careful" Obi wan replied

"I'm always careful... Obi wan" Alia said with a smile.... Obi wan nodded, and walked away.

"Where are you going, Master?" Anakin asked when he saw Obi wan heading off into a different direction.

"To grab a drink," Obi Wan said.

Anakin stood there... with a surprised look on his face, he then moved further into the room... with Alia by his side.

Aliens watched the two Jedi's with hostility... suspicion, and invitation as they moved around the bar. Women looked Anakin up and down... they were interested in him, Alia noticed that there were men looking at her.... she ignored them.

Alia studied every face as she walked by.. she stopped... she sensed the bounty hunter, she grabbed Anakin's arm.

Suddenly there was a loud scream... the club fell silent, Alia rushed over to where the scream came from.... she looked down and saw an arm....and the bounty hunter, who was crying out in pain.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed the hunter by the leg and dragged her out....

"Easy.. Jedi business, go back to your drinks," Alia said.

Obi Wan and Anakin... followed behind Alia, they watched as she dragged the bounty hunter... her mood suddenly changed.

She stopped... and dropped the leg.

She stood over the hunter... hate filled her eyes.

"Do you know who you were trying to kill?" Alia taunted.....

"The Senator of Naboo," Anakin said gently.

"Who hired you?" Obi Wan questioned.

"It was just a job" confessed the Hunter.

"Tell us!!" demanded Alia...

"The Senator will die... just like you" the Hunter said while  pointing to Alia.

Alia froze... this wasn't true? it couldn't be true?

"Who hired you? Tell us...tell us now!!" Anakin demanded.

"It was a bounty hunter call" The Hunter said...

There was a sudden noise, and the Hunter twitched... she blinked in surprise and her skin soon turned to an awful color.... a horrible green color... she muttered a couple of nonsense words then fell back...and died.

There was a sudden sound...they all three looked up and saw a figure fly away....

Alia looked down at the dead body of the Hunter... she touched her neck and pulled out what looked like a dart.

"Toxic dart" Obi Wan muttered.. taking it away from Alia.

Alia was confused... who wanted her dead? Who wanted Padme dead? So many questions ran through her head... but not enough answers.

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