Chapter 7

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         *********10 years later************

The Naboo fighter descended onto the landing platform of Coriscant.... which was know as home to Alia.

The bright... beautiful sun shined off of the chrome hull ship, it came to a sudden stop on the landing platform.... stopping with a loud hiss.

A small group of dignitaries were waiting to welcome the arrival of Senator Amidala... one of which was Jar Jar Binks, a galactic representative and..... Padme's handmaiden.

The Senator, who had been placed in ridiculous amount of makeup... walked slowly off the ship.... Next to her was another woman, no one could see much of her face... because she was wearing Jedi robes.

Captain Typho followed them off, a look of relief on his tired face.

"We made it! I guess I was wrong... there was no danger at all," Typho said... All of this worrying for nothing....

There was a blinding flash of light, and then followed with a loud explosion... it had taken them off guard. The smoke began to clear, revealing what was left.....

A mangled ship... and bodies all over the ground.

Two figures, their faces were hidden by helmets, rushed over to see if they could find any survivors... one figure rushed over and kneeled beside the Senator, and the other went to check to see if anyone was alive.

They both took their helmets off...

"Cordè" Padme whispered to the handmaiden..

Alia jogged over to her decoy and noticed she was already dead.... anger grew inside her, but she couldn't do much about it.

Alia, clipped her lightsaber on her belt... she pushed herself from the ground, and jogged towards Padme.

Damn it!!! They're all dead!! Alia muttered to herself.

She kneeled down next to Padme...

Padme wouldn't move... she refused to leave the body of her decoy, Alia gently placed her hand on the woman's shoulder... Padme shrugged Alia's hand away.

"It had to be done..." Alia sadly said.

It broke Alia's heart seeing her friend so sad.... she should have seen this coming, why couldn't she sense it?

"Padme, we must go.... this vote is very important to the Jedi" Alia reminded her..... it was to supply with an already overwhelmed Jedi with an army... to end this next war.

"NO! NO! NO!" Padme screamed... Alia jumped... she didn't know how to comfort Padme.

Padme finally stood up... and looked around at the devastation, there were tears in her eyes.

"I shouldn't have come back" Padme sighed

Alia looked around the wreckage... she felt like she had failed the Jedi, she felt like she had failed the people.... she felt like she hadn't done her job right.

"Senator, you are still in danger," Typho replied to Padme....

This vote is very important! You did your duty and Cordè did hers.... and Alia did her job... which was protect you, but we must hurry. Typho urged Padme.

Alia knew Typho was right... she turned towards Padme and nodded at her.

They rushed down the hallways...

Alia had to quickly change into her traditional Jedi robes... while Padme went for a formal dress.

A small smile left Alia's lips.... she thought to herself... it's good to be home.

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