Chapter 4

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Days have past since Qui Gon and Obi wan left..... Alia grew very impatient, she knew something was wrong.... she could feel it.

Alia was sitting on her bedroom floor, she gently closed her eyes.... trying to reach out to Obi wan, but something was wrong.... she couldn't sense him. She jumped to her feet and rushed out the door, she ran quickly through the temple.... She found Master Windu, "I sense that someone has died... Master Windu" she said, he dropped his head.... "We have lost Master Qui Gon" he replied to her.

Her whole world slowed down, she wanted to cry... in fact tears started forming, she tossed her head back making sure no tears fell down. Master Windu saw her struggling with her emotions, but he knew she would fight them.... He always thought she was the toughest Jedi in training since he met her.

Alia dropped her head, she knew this was gonna happen... she even told him... why did he have to leave? who would she talk to now?

She looked up at Master Windu.... "What are we gonna d-do with his b-body?" she asked him, he took a deep breath and said "we will give him a Jedi knight burial"..... She nodded in agreement, knowing Qui Gon deserved this.

"Is Obi wan okay? Who will train Anakin?" She questioned him, he shrugged and said "Obi wan may take the trials early and then take on Anakin... train him as his Padawan", she look away from Windu... feeling something, she felt a warm presence..... it made her smile, because she knew who it was........Qui Gon was reaching out to her, " I told you I'd be back" his voice echoed through her head.

"Qui Gon" she whispered....

Master Windu looked up, searching for him... but then froze.... no young Jedi has ever mastered that, he quickly disappeared to find Master yoda.... he had to share the news.

"Why did you leave... knowing what was gonna happen?" She questioned Qui Gon, he smiled and said "because I didn't know it was gonna happen.... but Alia since you sense these things, you could be our last hope.... you could help Anakin stop the Sith from taking over the galaxy."

"I won't forget about you..." she said to him.

"Just remember young one, I will always be with you... watching over you." He replied back and with that he disappeared.... Alia wanted to feel sad, but it wasn't the Jedi way.

Night had finally come...

Alia watched as Qui Gon's body burned.... but she knew not to be sad, because no matter what... he was always with her.

Alia turned to look at Obi wan, she could feel his pain.... he had lost his father figure. Beside Obi wan was Anakin, he looked confused....

Alia overheard Master yoda and Master Windu talking....

"Was it the Master or the apprentice that was destroyed?" Master Windu asked Yoda, but even he didn't know the answer.

After the burial, Alia decided it was best to head to bed.... before she could get to far she was stopped by Master Windu.

"Alia be prepared to leave and head to Naboo tomorrow, we are all going.... Chancellor Palpatine ordered it" he said

" yes master" she replied back

She hurried off...

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