Chapter 22

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"There's my house!!!" Padme squealed.... Padme and Alia both walked forward, Anakin hung back.

"What? Don't tell me you're shy? Alia asked Anakin, who didn't move.

"Uh no.... but I...." Anakin began.

Suddenly, there were shouts from two little girls....They came running towards Padme and Alia, with huge smiles on their faces.

"Aunt Padme!!! Alia!!!" The two girls yelled

Ryoo!! Pooja!! Alia said... running up to both girls, and pulling them into a tight hug.

"I've missed you guys!!! This is Anakin... Anakin this is Ryoo and Pooja!!" Alia introduced the little girls to the young apprentice.

"H-Hello,"  Anakin said shyly...

They smiled...

"Hello," the girls greeted.

"R2!!!" They yelled when they saw the droid, they ran up to him and hugged him. R2 whistled and beeped happily..... Alia and Padme laughed.

Padme, Alia and Anakin walked towards the house... the two girls stay behind to play with the droid, Alia couldn't help but smile...

Many hours later...

"They're eating over at Jev Narran's later, Mom... they just had a snack, they'll be fine," Sola called out...placing a bowl of food on the table.

"That's Padme's older sister Sola," Alia replied... seeing how Anakin was confused..

They all sat down at a large table... Anakin sat next to Alia.... Alia could see that Anakin was uncomfortable, she gently placed her hand on his... and gave it a small squeeze.

"Hello, Anakin" Sola smiled...

"H-Hello," Anakin replied.

Sola sat down as Jobal Naberrie walked in, she was Padme's mother... she was holding a heaped bowl of steaming food...

"You're just in time for dinner! I hope you're hungry, Anakin.." Jobal spoke.

"I'm staving Jobal...." Alia said with a smile.

Jobal frowned...

"I wasn't talking to you... Alia," Jobal said... trying very hard not to smile.

"A little," Anakin shrugged...

"He's being polite, Mom.... We're staving as Alia said," Padme added, which wasn't a lie.

Alia lifted up her finger and brought fruit to her plate.... she looked up and saw Jobal frown...

"No using the force Alia!! You know the rules," Jobal reminded her.

"Honey, it's so good to see that you are safe... both of you," Jobal said while passing around food.

"Dear..." Ruwee addressed his wife..

"I know....I know... but I had to say it," Jobal nodded...

"Well, this is exciting!! Do you know Anakin, that Alia talked about you... for 10 years, you must be her boyfriend!" Sola said smirking....

Alia sink down... she forgot about her never shutting up about Anakin.

"Sola! He's not Alia's boyfriend... he's a Jedi assigned by the Senate to protect us..." Padme said trying to defend Alia... who was completely embarrassed.

"Besides, as a Jedi... I'm not aloud to be on a relationship," Alia mumbled... knowing no one could hear her.

"A bodyguard? Oh, Padme!! They didn't say it was this serious..." Jobal exclaimed.

"It's not, Mom I promise" Padme spoke up... straightening herself in her chair... glancing towards Jobal...

"Anyway, Anakin is a friend... I've known him for years... remember that little boy who was with the a Jedi during the blockade crisis??" Padme continued...

They all nodded...

"Well he grew up..." Alia finished.

"Honey... When are you and Alia gonna settle down? Haven't you had enough of that life? You guys won't be young for long..." Jobal refereed to Padme's life as a Senator.... Alia's life as a Jedi.

"Mom, Alia and I aren't in any danger," Padme said trying to ease her mother's mind.

"Are they?" Ruwee asked Anakin....

"..... Yes.... I'm afraid they are," Anakin nodded... Alia glared at him.

"But not much," Alia added in quickly....

Their force bond// Anakin Skywalker ( book one )Where stories live. Discover now