Chapter 24

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Padme forced Alia into yet another dress....Padme chose a dark green dress for Alia, to suit her skin tone.... Padme knew Alia hated it, but she didn't care... she thought she looked nice.

Alia and Anakin were walking together,
in deep conversation... while Padme stayed behind... keeping her distance.

"When Padme was allowed to have fun, we'd come down here and swim.. See that island? We'd race each other to it... I'd win of course.... oh how I miss swimming, I love the water!!" Alia said getting flashbacks of her time here on Naboo.

"I do too...I guess that's because I grew up on a desert planet," Anakin shrugged.

"We use to lay down on the sand... and allow the sun to dry us off, sometimes we'd try and guess the name of the birds that would sing... I never thought I'd become best friends with Padme... I guess you could say she's like the sister I've never had," Alia spoke softly....

"I don't like sand... it's coarse and rough, irritating... and it gets everywhere, not like here... here it's soft, and smooth..." Anakin gently touched Alia's arm.

Alia became nervous... especially by the way he looked at her.

"There was once an old man, who lived on that island.... he use to make glass out of sand... from vases, to even necklaces. They were magical and so beautiful," Alia sighed.

"Everything here is magical... and beautiful," Anakin said while looking into Alia's eyes.

"You could look into the glass and see the water... the way the ripples moved, it looked so real... what a shame it wasn't," She described.

"Sometimes, when you believe in something and you want it to be real... it can become real," Anakin replied.... they looked into each other's eyes...

Anakin reached out a hand to touch her chin... he was gentle.... Alia could feel her heartbeat increase by the second... she felt breathless... she felt her legs grow weak...

"I use to think if you looked too deeply into glass, you'd lose yourself," Alia breathed.

"I think it's true," Anakin replied... leaning in closer to Alia.

Anakin crashed his lips onto Alia's... she couldn't resist, in fact she wanted more...

Suddenly she stopped.... she pulled away.

"I shouldn't have done that..." Alia realized... she realized she broke the Jedi code... but deep down, she loved it... she loved how soft his lips were....

"I'm sorry... but when I'm around you, my mind is no longer my own," Anakin's mouth twitched into a smile...he wanted to keep kissing her.... he loved the way she made him feel...he loved how soft her lips felt against his, it was like putting two pieces together and suddenly they fit.... perfectly...

"It's the situation... maybe the stress.." Alia mumbled.. she was suppose to regret the kiss, but she enjoyed it... and she hated it... she hated how it was forbidden...

He looked at her...

"It's the view," he whispered...

"I think I'm gonna retire early," Alia said.... she turned around and walked away....

Once she was out of his sight... she took off running... looking for Padme, she had to tell her....

Alia paced around Padme's room, running her hands through her hair... Padme was sitting on the bed, she was watching Alia in amusement.

"I kissed him... well he kissed me and I kinda kissed him back...." Alia repeated over and over.

"How did you feel?" Padme questioned...

"Breathless... my heart was beating, really fast... I got lost in his eyes... oh his beautiful blue eyes, the magnificent shade of blue... like the water here on Naboo," Alia didn't even realize what she was saying...

Padme was smiling... possibly the biggest smile she has ever had, her best friend was madly in love....Sola was right, Padme always knew Alia had feelings for Anakin... and here she was now, going completely crazy over him.

"I think you're in love," Padme grinned...

"Oh no!! I can't... it's forbidden!!" Alia paused...

"Oh my god!! You're right!!" She continued.

"I told you...Sola told you" Padme shrugged..

Padme was glad that Alia had finally sorted out her emotions... now the real question was... would she stick with them? Would she finally end up with him? Padme knew Alia needed Anakin.... they were soulmates... she knew they also had a bond... a force bond perhaps...

Their force bond// Anakin Skywalker ( book one )Where stories live. Discover now