Chapter 33

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Anakin switched off the engines when they reached Geonosis.... Alia had resumed in her seat.... but she was getting anxious, she pushed herself up.

"Where are you going?" Anakin grabbed her arm, holding her back... trying to stop her from rushing off the ship.

"To find Obi wan," Alia answered.

"No.... you most certainly are not going to do that," Anakin demanded.

Alia rolled her eyes... she tried to pull her arm away from his grip, but the more she moved.... the tighter his grip got.

"You better let go of me!" Alia snapped.

"I'm not letting you go out there... it's far to dangerous," Anakin explained.

"What?" Alia stopped moving and looked at him... dead in the eye.

"It's my job to protect you... Alia, I said it's to dangerous. You aren't going... and that's final!!" Anakin replied slowly getting frustrated.

"Don't you dare give me orders, Ani! I'm a Jedi knight... you have no authority to contain me, or direct me!! You must remember your place... young man!" Alia snapped but paused... trying to calm herself. "Now you can either come with me, and protect me or stay here... that's all up to you," Alia continued.

Alia turned to look at Padme who nodded.

Alia stormed out of the Nubian ship with her lightsaber clutched tightly in her hands.... Anakin and Padme just glanced at each other, not knowing what to say... but they quickly ran after Alia.

Alia slowly entered the stalagmite city...she stopped, and looked around... it was completely empty.

She turned around and saw Anakin and Padme  rushing towards her...

"It's empty,"  Alia spoke in a low tone.

Alia started walking ahead... Anakin and Padme followed behind, they crossed the square reaching the middle....

Alia stopped... grabbing Anakin's attention, they slowly turned around and saw four Geonosians, Anakin and Alia tried fighting them off... but they were grabbed.

"Wait," Padme called out...

They were thrown into a room... the geonosians moved away, and Count Dooku appeared.... he bowed.

"Senator Amidala, I've heard so much about you," Count Dooku spoke but suddenly paused.... he stared at Alia.

"And you must be the famous Alia... I've heard so much about you," he continued..

"Count Dooku,  I assume," Padme stated with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm delighted to meet you at last... we have a lot to discuss, Senator... I do hope, Alia could join us... i have something that I need to discuss with her as well... but I do hope you can keep your young Jedi under control..." he referred to Anakin.

"Don't worry... I'm sure he's housebroken," Alia chimed in.

Count Dooku sat at a large table... with Alia and Padme side by side, Anakin stood behind them with four geonosians guards...

"You are holding a Jedi knight, Obi Wan Kenobi... I formally ask you to turn him over, now!" Alia demanded.

"He has been convicted of espionage, Master... and he will later be executed.. in just a few hours I believe," Dooku smiled.

"My rank isn't Master yet... so I ask you not to call me something I haven't earned, besides Obi Wan is an officer of the Republic... you can't do that!!" Alia replied... clearly getting angry.

"We don't recognize the Republic here..." Dooku paused, he was studying Alia.. he could feel the anger coming off of her, this is what he wanted... he wants her to join the dark side.

"But if Naboo were to join our alliance, I could easily hear your plea for clemency," he continued, but now he was looking at Padme.

"And if I don't join your rebellion...I assume these Jedi with me will die?" Padme questioned.

" I don't wish to make you join our cause against your will...Senator, but you are a rational, honest... representative of your people. I assume you want to do what's best for them... aren't you fed up with corruption, the bureaucrats... the hypocrisy of it all? Aren't you? Be honest Senator," Dooku asked the Senator.

"The ideals are still alive, Count... even if the institution is failing," Padme quickly replied.

"You believe in the same ideals we believe in!! The same ideals we are striving to make prominent," he attempted to make them sound alike.

"If what you say is true... you should stay in the Republic and help Chancellor Palpatine and make things right," Padme added.

"The chancellor means well, Senator... but he is incompetent, he promised to cut the bureaucracy... but the bureaucrats are stronger, more then ever, no? The Republic can't be fixed... it is time to start over. The democratic process on the Republic is a sham, a game played by will not be long before the cult of greed, called the Republic.. will lose even the pretext of demanding and freedom..." Dooku stated.

"I do not believe that! I will not forsake all that I have honored and worked for... I will never betray the Republic. I know your treaties with the Trade Federation, Commerce Guilds, and the others.... Count. What is happening here is not the government, that has been brought out by business.... it's business government!!" Padme explained.

"Are you willing to betray your Jedi friends? Without your co-operation, I can do nothing to stop their execution," Dooku pressed.

"What is to happen to us? Are we to be executed as well?" Padme questioned... then turned to look at Alia.

"I wouldn't think of such an offense... but there are individuals who have a strong interest in your demise, Senator. It has nothing to do with politics, I'm afraid... it's purely personal, and they have already paid great sums to have you assassinated... I'm sure they will push hard to have you include in execution, but I however am very interested in Alia... but I must turn you over to the geonosians for Justice... I've done all I can for you," Dooku finished talking.

Suddenly a bounty hunter walked up to Anakin and Alia, and forcefully took their sabers.

"I'll take those," The bounty hunter replied.

The two Jedi looked up at the bounty hunter then back at one another....

"You may cause a lot of bloodshed.. my young Jedi, but you will not escape," Dooku advised.

Dooku stood up and looked at Alia.... he smiled .

"I'll see you soon," Dooku replied.

Alia froze... she thought to herself. What did he mean by that? Was she not getting executed with Anakin and Padme? so many questions flooded through her mind... but most importantly she was terrified...

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