Chapter 2

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She gently put her hand on the door and pushed it opened, she widened her eyes when she saw... every Master sitting down, they all turned towards her... they smiled.

"Do come forward Alia" spoke Master Windu, his deep voice echoed through her head... she walked slowly towards them, her heart began to race. Why was she nervous? They must want to talk, or do they? She thought

"Master Yoda has told us that you have completed your padawan training! And at a very young age..." Master Windu spoke proudly.... she smiled and nodded.

"After Qui Gon clears out Naboo.... you, Alia will be sent there as part of the trails to protect Queen Amidala" Master Windu said, she noticed he was smiling....

"Thank you Master Windu, I won't let you down!" She replied back

They all dismissed her... she quickly rushed out of the room, and made her way back to her room....

She sat on her bed... completely exhausted but excited, she laid back.... her eyes grew heavy and suddenly she drifted off into a deep slumber.
" Alia... you've grown up, so beautifully." He spoke softly.... Alia turned towards him, she couldn't see his face.... but she could feel that the force was very strong with him, it scares her....but she needed to know who he was.

She walked up to him... gently placed her hands on his face.

Tears rolled down her face.... this man was in deep pain, he missed his mother.... he was angry that he left her, she backed up and said "W-who are you?"

He smiled and said "soon you'll know"

Alia jumped up... covered in sweat, she quickly looked around and noticed she was safely in her room.

She felt someone outside of her door, she walked slowly.... she opened the door and saw a young girl, she looked around her age...

"Yes?" Alia spoke softly..... the young girl smiled and said "I'm padme!" Alia had seen this girl somewhere.... in a dream maybe? She couldn't put a finger on it.

She opened her door up to allow the girl to come in....

"My friends call me padme.... and some also call me Queen Amidala" she said

Alia bowed and replied "forgive me... your majesty".... Padme laughed and said "nonsense, since you'll be protecting me... you can call me padme!"

"What brings you to my room?" Alia spoke gently to padme..... padme shrugged and said "to get to know my bodyguard a little, but I was expecting someone older...."

Padme looked Alia up and down.... she was excited to have a Jedi watch over her, she thought maybe they could become friends....

Alia found herself reading padme's mind.... she smiled but it quickly went away... she thought she told herself that she'd stop reading people's minds, there were just some things that couldn't be unseen.

Alia and Padme sat down.... Padme wanted to get to know Alia more, but Alia didn't wanna tell her everything.... she barely knew Padme and now she's being sent to protect her.

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