Chapter 20

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"If I grew up here, I don't think I'd ever leave," Anakin commented as they stepped off the ship..

Alia laughed...

"Well if I ever decided to leave the Jedi... I'm coming here," Alia replied... looking around at the beautiful colors.

Anakin smiled..... he loved how the sun shined down on her, it made her glow.... it made her look more beautiful he thought.

"No, really... when I started training, I was homesick and very lonely... This city and my mom were the only pleasant things I had to think about, besides you of course... but the problem was, the more I thought about my mom... the worse I felt," he continued... while staring at Alia in awe.

"When the council sent me here, I was homesick.... but Padme helped me.. every night we'd sneak out and lay down in the fields and look up at the stars... and hear the distant waterfalls. We'd always get into trouble, but it helped keep my mind off of home... and missing it, but while I was here... I learned some things, some new tricks," Alia said smiling...

"It was fun getting into trouble with you Alia," Padme laughed.

They continued to walk... both Alia and Padme told Anakin the great adventures they had, Anakin was a little jealous.... Alia noticed... she couldn't help but giggle.

"Well tell me... did you dream about power and politics when you were little?" Anakin asked Padme ... trying to change the subject.

" No! That was the last thing I thought of... I wanted to be a part of the Refugee Relief Movement, I never thought about running for office... but now that I think of it, I'm glad I got into politics... because I never would've met Alia or any of my friends," Padme replied with a smile.

"Alia how long did it take for you to complete the trials? And how did you do them?" Anakin questioned...

"Took me two years... I did most of it here, then Master Yoda had me come back to the temple and finish the finally stages and then came back to Naboo to finish my duty but that day will always be my favorite memory! That was the day I became a Jedi knight," Alia said with a huge smile.

"The people you saved must be truly grateful," Anakin shrugged.

"A Jedi's duty is to help and protect people... that's what I did, I saved Civilians... Aliens and anything that needed my help, it made me feel good... like I was finally doing my job! But don't worry... you can do it too!! Please try and be patient, especially with Obi Wan.... you may think you are ready, but he only wants the best for you.. He wants to pass along what his Master Qui Gon taught him to you... but he will have you take the trials when he believes you are ready," Alia said looking at Anakin...

"But maybe after all of this..... I'll become a Grey Jedi," she spoke.

"Grey Jedi?" Anakin replied with a confused look...

"Grey Jedi are in the line between both light and dark... they use the force without surrendering to the dark side, they also distanced themselves from the high Jedi Council... kind of like Qui Gon, right before he died," Alia explained...

"I want to do the right thing too.... I wanna save the slaves. the Jedi need you Alia.... I'm glad you decided to stay and serve the Jedi council, I have a feeling thing are gonna happen in our generation that will change the galaxy in profound ways..." Anakin expressed.

"I think so too," Alia looked down.

Padme, Alia and Anakin walked towards the palace.... and behind them was R2, He followed right behind the trio....

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