Chapter 32

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Anakin, Padme, Alia, Cliegg, Owen and Beru... stood around Shmi's grave... Alia had her head down, it was a shame she didn't get to meet this wonderful woman... Alia had said her peace...

"I know wherever you are it's a much better place.... you were the most loving partner a man could ever have, Goodbye... my dearest wife... and thank you," Cliegg had moved in front of the grave.. his head lowered... Alia could see that he was so close to crying, but he held it in.

Anakin walked forward.... as Cliegg moved back, he fell to his knees....

"I wasn't strong enough to save you mom... but I promise I won't fail again, I miss you so much," Anakin replied.

After Anakin said his final goodbye... there was a sudden silence...

Everyone turned around when they heard loud beeps and whistles....

"R2, what are you doing here?" Padme asked the droid...R2 beeped..

"It seems he is carrying a message from someone called Obi Wan Kenobi... does that mean anything to you, Master Anakin?" 3PO stated.

The four had rushed towards the garage... a rough hologram of Obi Wan was projected into the ground of the garage by R2.... Anakin, Alia and Padme watched the flickering image.

Alia could hardly make anything out of recording.... but she was sure, he said something about sending it to the Jedi council.

"Alliance have pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an...... wait!!!.... ah.. attack.... I don't.... make it....ahhhh!" The recording finished. The hologram cuts off, Anakin jumped up.

"I'm going after him!!" He replied.

"Shouldn't we retransmit his message to the council," Padme commented.

"Yeah, you're right...." Anakin agreed, and he soon forwarded the message.

Anakin, Padme and Alia had said their goodbyes... and headed back to the Nubian ship.

Once they got back to the ship... Anakin sat down in the cockpit, Alia sat next to him.... they were watching the hologram of Master Windu.

"We will deal with Count Dooku, but the most important thing for you... Anakin is to stay where you are at. Protect the Senator and Alia at all cost.... that is your main priority," Master Windu ordered Anakin.

"Understood... Master," Anakin nodded.

The hologram switched off... Padme was looking at the readout on the ships control panel.

"They'll never get there in time to save him.... they have to travel halfway across the galaxy, look Geonosis is less than a parsec away," Padme pointed out.

Alia sat down and started to hit bottoms and flick switches... Anakin gently placed a hand on hers, and she looked up at him... stopped what she was doing.

"If he's still alive," Anakin nodded.

"Ani... are you just going to sit here and let him die?! He's your friend... your mentor... I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna let him die," Alia explained.. she was worried about her friend.

"He's like a father to me, but you heard Master Windu... he gave me strict orders to stay here and protect you too," Anakin explained... looking from Alia to Padme.

"He's right... Alia, he gave orders, we must stay here," Padme shrugged.

"You already know my decision... And Anakin of you want to protect me, then I guess you'll have to come to Geonosis or you can stay here and protect Padme... but Obi wan is my friend and I refuse to give up on him... I know he's alive!" Alia spoke... not looking at them.

Alia pulled her hand away and flicked more switches.... and soon enough the engine fired up.

"I can easily drop you both off on Naboo... and do it myself, I am perfectly cable of doing it myself," Alia finished.

Anakin smiled and took the controls.

The Nubian ship raised up off the ground and flew away quickly...

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