☆||Chapter 01||☆

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||March 30, 2018||

For some reason, my mom and dad fought. I didn't really know what to do or what exactly happened between them. Now, dad's packing his things and mine, why is he packing mine too?

I was slightly scared, "Dad... Where are we going? Why are we packiㅡ?"

"We're going to South Korea, just the two of us." He said as he cut me off, "Just... On a short break." He gave me a reassuring smile.

Why was this happening? Why are we suddenly leaving? How would I live without my mother? There were so many things going on inside my head. After packing his and my things, he dragged me out of the house and told me to get inside the car.

I didn't get to say goodbye to my mom and my little brother. He just told me to stay quiet about it, I did as what he said and we were off to the airport. After thirty-seven minutes, we finally arrived at the airport.

We got our tickets and waited at the line. I didn't really talk too much, I was just processing on what's going on right now. Waiting at the line made me so anxious, I'd be leaving everyone behind, I'd be leaving every memory I made in here ( In America ).

Suddenly, I felt a comforting, warm hug from my dad and kept saying "It's gonna be okay hun." That's when I burst into tears. 

After what felt like a year, we finally arrived in Seoul, South Korea. It'll be hard to move on, but I think I'll just force myself to do it. I'll be moving to a new place, a new school, and probably meet some friends! You know, maybe it won't be that bad... Well, that's what I hope for.

My father already rented a place for us to stay and had furniture ready, so we could just relax after we arrive in our new place. 

"Honey, you'll have to enroll in a school. You do know that, right?" Dad asked, and obviously I nodded.

"Of course I know that I need friends after all." I shrugged, while he just chuckled and ruffled my hair.

We were walking down the streets in Seoul, everyone was so different to me. I mean, aside from my dad, he's also Korean. But like, I think I'm the one who should feel different. I don't know the Korean culture and language that much, but I knew some cause' of my dad.

"Dad... How am I gonna speak Korean? I don't know it that well... Yet." I asked, started to get worried. 

He laughed out loud, "Then try to learn it. Simple as that." Wow, great advice dad. That'll totally help me.

I sighed and we were finally in our new place. It's a small place, well at least it can fit two people. I smiled and we entered, it smells new... Obviously, dummy. My dad and I finally relaxed, well... You know what, this really isn't that bad. 

I started to get a little drowsy and then after that, all I saw was darkness.

||Next Day & March 30, 2018||

Birds were chirping, I could smell bacon and eggs. That's when I immediately stood up and saw my dad cooking. "Wow, it's rare to see you cook. But okay.

He chuckled and served breakfast, "Oh shush it, you're gonna enjoy it anyway."

We ate in silence but dad decided to break it, "You're going to school today."

I choked on my food and quickly swallowed. "WHAT?! You didn't tell me that I would be going to school today!

He just shrugged, "Well... I just said it now."

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