☆||Chapter 54||☆

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|| Next Day - Morning ||

Woojin helps me carry with my things as we wait outside for my brother, "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? I mean, I can just-"

I chuckle at him and give him a head pat, "Woojin, I'll be fine with my brother. It's okay, sheesh, at least calm down." I could see my brother's car coming towards us, "Well, that's my ride. Tell your family that I had a fun time spending with you guys, thank you Woojin. I'll see you again, I'll make sure to text or call you. Goodbye!" I said and entered my brother's car.

"Long time no see, sis!" He gives me a quick hug and we drove off to the hospital where dad is staying. "Had a fun time spending with him?" He smirks, nudging my arm.

I chuckle at him, "I actually did, but don't think about it like that." I sigh and leaned on the window, "So, what are you gonna do when we reach there?" I ask my brother, Kang Daniel.

I could see him frown, "Well, I really don't know... I know I said that I didn't want to meet him, but hearing the news that he tried to take his life away makes me... Sad and angry about myself."

I held my brother's free hand and looked at him, "I know you're feeling guilty about it, I-I am too... But, if we just talk this out and open up to him... M-Maybe we'll become a happy family once again!" I gave him a bright smile as I heard him chuckle.

"Yeah, we will..." He simply says while he continues driving. We just talked about our mother and my little brother, Cedric. Daniel has not met him yet which makes me sad, Cedric is such am energetic child, a kind one... He was the one who brought me joy. We even talked about our work, even talked about other Kpop groups. The weird thing is that he keeps bringing up Twice.

After a few minutes, we finally arrived at the hospital. We asked the nurse at the front desk for our father, she looked stunned when she saw my brother and I. She soon told us where father's room was and we thanked her, "I'm nervous, Daniel..." I gripped onto my brother's hand.

He took a deep breath, "Hey, Look at me..." He cups my face, "I-I'm nervous too, but, we need to pull this through together, okay?" He says and kisses my forehead.

I nodded and he opened the door, we saw our father lying on his bed. He was wide awake when he saw both of us, "Eui- Daniel, (Y/n)... What are you guys doing here?" He asks as he tried sitting up.

I rushed to him and softly force him to lay down, "D-Don't sit up yet, you'll get hurt even more..." I said and looked at him in the eyes.

"O-Okay..." He awkwardly says and lays his head onto his pillow, "So, why are you guys here?" He asks.

My brother and I grabbed a chair and sat by his bed, "We heard about the news that you... You know." My brother says.

Father chuckles, "Rumours spread that fast, huh? That is true, I just thought you don't want to see me again and that there's no reason for me to see you-"

"No! Th-That's not true..." I cut him off as I gripped onto my pants, I was trembling in fear. "We may have said that we don't want you anymore, but- but we regret it. I blamed you for mother and little Cedric's death and then you regretted everything, I know you blame yourself. I-It's not your fault, dad. It really isn't... So don't regret or blame yourself anymore." Tears began to form in my eyes.

Daniel wraps his arms around me as he strokes my back, "We're sorry, dad..." Says Daniel as he looks at him in the eyes.

I raise my head and saw my dad's tears sliding down his face, "I-I forgive you..." He pauses for a while and smiled widely, "Now, come here!" He reaches for us and grabs us in an embrace.

The three of us laughed together and I felt something warm in my chest, it was nice. I felt happy again, I'm back with my dad and my brother.

My phone suddenly rang, "S-Sorry... That ruined the moment." I awkwardly scratched my head. Father smiled and motioned me to pick it up, I nodded and went outside the room. I looked at the caller ID, it was the mighty leader himself. "Hello...?" I answered my phone.

"Hey, (Y/n). Why are you been ignoring our calls and texts?" He asks.

"I-I needed some time to think about dad, I wasn't feeling well... But, I'm at the hospital with him right now! We made up, Chris! I'm feeling so happy right now, it's been a while since I felt this feeling." I excitedly said and he chuckles through the phone.

"I'm really relieved that you're doing great, (Y/n). I'm sorry we couldn't be there when you felt sad..." I could already see his frown even though we were just in a call.

I giggled, "Don't worry about me, Chris. Everything's fine now, I'm just happy that you guys were worried about me. But I gotta go, I'll visit you when I'm done talking with my dad."

"Alright, make sure to enjoy your day. I love you." He says.

My heart suddenly quickens and I could feel my face heating up, "I-"

"Th-That just came out naturally! J-Just ignore that... G-Goodbye, (Y/n)!" He then hangs up.

I was left speechless, I calmed myself down and entered my father's room. "S-Sorry that took long..." I gave him an awkward smile.

"It's fine honey, your brother and I are just talking about himself. It's nice to see you guys grow up successfully, I'm also glad to see you doing things that you enjoy." He ruffles my brother's hair.

"Dad, my stylist styled my hair before I got here..." Daniel pouts like a little kid.

We basically just spent talking, it was nice. I felt good talking with my father again, even though I regretted saying those mean words to him. I didn't want to face him because of what I said... Mother and little Cedric died because of a car crash, it had nothing to do with my father. Enough with the past, I want to enjoy life starting today.

We spent almost five hours in the hospital with my father and brother, "You guys need to go home and eat lunch, don't worry about me. There's a nurse that can help me here, so go on." He smiles at us.

My brother and I nodded, "We'll visit when we can, just feel free to call me anytime though." I told my father and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

My brother and I left and he drove me to the boys' dorm, "So, you actually visit them?" He smirks at me.

I playfully hit him, "So, what? They're my friends." I shrugged and grabbed my bag, "Thanks for driving me here, Daniel. I'll go now." I left and waved goodbye. I grabbed the spare key that I have and unlocked the boy's dorm. "Hey!" I greeted them.

I could hear them gasp and footsteps running towards me, "(Y/n)~!!" Jisung screamed and ran towards me, he gave me a huge hug, making me stumble.

"Woah, J-Jisung!" I laughed and hugged him back. I looked at the other boys, "Hey, guys!" I gave them a smile.

I could see Minho's scowl while he looks at Jisung and I. I laughed and broke the hug, but kept my arm around Jisung's shoulders. "You really are happy, aren't you?" Felix chuckled.

I nodded, "Yep! Let's go. I'll talk to you about father, you'll be happy to hear what he said to me!" I smiled and dragged them to their living room.

The boys and I talked about my father, it was quite enjoyable seeing them happy because I finally got to find my happiness. Jisung and Minho were bickering so much that Seungmin couldn't focus on me, Seungmin even hits both of them, causing them to stop. Jeongin was laying down on Hyunjin's lap as they listened to me, while Changbin, Felix, and Bangchan had the brightest smile. They look like proud parents, to be honest.

Today's day was when I became so happy that I couldn't even stop smiling. I hope my smile never fades away, I don't want to feel sad again.

I miss this feeling.

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