☆||Chapter 06||☆

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( Hyunjin's POV )

"What is taking Woojin hyung so long?" Jisung complained.

While Bangchan just sighed, "We should start without him." He says as we all nodded.

I turned on the music, only to see Woojin hyung come back. He had the widest smile on his face, did something happened?

I ran up to him, "Woojin hyung, what took you so long? And why are you smiling like that?" I asked curiously.

He chuckled, "Oh, I was buying snacks for you guys, and I just saw (y/n)." He says.

"YOU SAW WHO?!" Changbin practically screamed.

"(Y/n), she says she'll be auditioning here." He says and gave us some snacks, "I bought them for you, so be thankful." He smiled again.

Then a curious Jeongin went up to Woojin, "Hyu-- Hyung, when did you see her?"

"A while ago, when I was running away from the crowd of girls." He laughed nervously.

This time, Bangchan lightly hit Woojin's head, "You idiot! I told you not to go out yet."

"Sorry!" He says, "Okay. Should we start now? I'm already tired from all that running."

Bangchan nodded, "Let's go!" he says and we went to out positions.

Woojin hyung got to meet her again, what if I also can? I smiled at the thought. That would be fun, we could do fun things! I already miss her a lot, what do I do?

( Your POV )

I arrived at the office of JYP, I was pretty nervous. The lady knocked on the door, "Mr. Park, the girl is here." She says. 

I heard a faint voice from the other side, "Go in." Says the lady. I nodded and nervously went in.

There he was, JYP, sitting on his chair. He analyzes me, "You look like a foreigner, where are you from? and what's your name?" he asked.

I cleared my throat, "I'm from America, and my name is Kang (Y/N).

His eyes widened when I introduced myself, "Kang (Y/N)? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Kang."

"Ah, you don't have to call me by my last name. It feels kinda awkward, please, just call me (y/n)." I said and he nodded.

It was quiet for a second, "Go on, show me what you've got." JYP says with a serious face on.

I start to sweat, "Wait, like right now?

He nodded.

Oh God, I'm gonna mess this real bad. I was thinking about what I should sing, then it led me to think about singing 'Half Mood by DEAN' since I already sang this to Woojin, why not sing it for JYP?

I cleared my throat and finally sang, after a few lines, I became confident. I could see JYP smile from time to time, which made me happy.

"STAY With Me, STRAY With Me" ||Stray Kids x Reader|| (STRAY KIDS) ffWhere stories live. Discover now