☆||Chapter 13||☆

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I woke up with Hyunjin holding me in his arms, the members were on the floor, some were snoring. Han was behind Hyunjin cuddling him, I slowly got away from Hyunjin's arms. I actually did it without him waking up, I stood up and saw that Seungmin was awake.

I yawned and went behind Seungmin while he was cooking eggs, I put my face unto Seungmin's shoulders.

He was quite surprised since he flinched, "You scared me... " He says in his groggy voice.

I laughed and pinched his cheeks. I leaned unto the kitchen counter and just watched Seungmin make eggs, looks good.

I noticed his bed hair, so I fixed it for him. "It's annoying to look at it, but it's cute.

He chuckled, "Thanks? I guess." He shrugged and put the eggs onto a plate. "You hungry?" He asked me. He doesn't speak that much, huh.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry.

He puts the plate onto the dining table and we both sat down, he gave me a spoon and a plate. "Here you go, we should eat first." He says and started chowing down his eggs. 

I nodded and ate silently with him, it wasn't awkward or anything... It's just normal, we don't really talk with each other that much. But I swear, we're close.

I looked at the clock to see it's currently five in the morning, it's so early. I have more time to take a quick shower and chat with the boys for a while. 

One by one, the boys started getting up and eat. While the others were eating, they let me take a shower first, which I appreciated. After taking a shower, I dressed up in my uniform. I took my time to dry my hair and did my skin routine, also I applied a light make-up.

I hung my towel on the towel rack and went outside. Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin were lining up to take a shower. We go outside together, the four of us. But we go into our different ways, since I go to a different school, also Seungmin, but Hyunjin and Jeongin go together since they're in the same school.

One hour later, we were finally done. Some members had to be left in the dorm. Like Woojin, Chan, and Minho, they already graduated. Changbin graduated in February, this year. Han didn't continue going to school, because he decided to become a trainee. While Felix already graduated when he was still in Australia. 

Me, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin left the dorm to go to school. I walked myself to school since it wasn't that far. Once I arrived, I immediately went to the classroom. Once again, I was alone, while Haemin had her other friends with her. 

I just listened and answered for the whole morning period, I would constantly see Haemin glance at me, it got me annoyed. Finally, the lunch bell rang, I went to the cafeteria to eat. Obviously, where the hell would I eat?

Before I even got to get lunch, Haemin grabbed my arm and dragged me to a place where there are fewer people. I pushed her away from me, "What is wrong with you?!" I screamed.

Her eyebrows furrowed, "You weren't home for the whole week, where exactly are you staying?!" She screamed back.

"Why are you so worried? Did my father order you?" I click my tongue.

"Yes, I'm so fucking worried about you! And no, your dad didn't tell me anything... I'm just doing what I want to do." She crossed her arms.

I sighed, "Well, stop worrying about me. I'm happy right now, stop messing up my life." I growled.

Her eyes widened, and her eyes were teary. "Loo--- Look, I'm sorry if I did something wrong. I'm just really worried, that's all."

"Yeah, right. You did do something wrong, at first, you started avoiding me, and for one week... You tried talking to me now, that's what." I glared at her, I'm supposed to be the one who's hurt. Why the hell is she crying?

"Kang (y/n), please go to the principal's room. Again, Kang (y/n), please go to the principal's room. Thank you." The intercom says.

I look at Haemin one more time, I sort of regret what I just said to her. "I have to go." Then, I left her there. 

I knocked on the principal's door before going in, "You wanted to see me, Ma'am?

The principal nodded and told me to sit down, I did as what she told me to do. "Mr. Park Jinyoung himself has told me to move you to a different school.

My eyes widened, "Wha-- What? JYP PD-nim?! Really? Why? Where?" I panicked.

The principal chuckled, "You're gonna transfer to SOPA, School of Performing Arts. You're still gonna graduate normally, so don't worry. Mr. Park said that you'll be moving next week, starting Monday." She smiled.

"Thank you so much!" I bowed to her, she gave me schedules from SOPA in advance. I was dismissed and went back to the dorm, I don't attend the afternoon class since the principal already knows what I do. 

I opened the dorm with my spare key that Chan gave me, when I arrived, no one was there. Maybe they're in the JYP building, practicing for their comeback. I changed into my training outfit and as always I brought an extra shirt, towels, and water.

I arrived in the JYP building, I greeted the staff and went inside the practice room. I'm the first one to arrive again, I started stretching while warming up my voice. 

I looked at the mirror to see the door open. Chan, Changbin, and Han entered. They greeted me and I did the same. They also started warming up with me, "Sup?" Chris said.

I chuckled, "What are you guys doing?

"We're warming up, can't you see that?" Changbin says sarcastically. 

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Whatever."

Then the girls finally arrived, they were shocked to see that 3RACHA were warming up with me. They greeted each other while I continued with my warm-up. The girls joined me, while 3RACHA told us to go to the composing room later. 

"I wish my favorite idols would come and visit me too..." Yoomi says, acting sad. But eventually, she laughed. "You're so lucky, I also want NCT DREAM to visit me.

I smile awkwardly, "When we debut, we'll meet them for sure." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Are you dating one of the members of Stray Kids? They look like they care about you a little too much." Mae unnie laughed and gave me a smug look. 

I rolled my eyes and pouted, "I'm not, but I wish I could." I blushed when I said that.

"I KNEW IT! You like someone, do you?" Mae unnie was so loud, I can't hand this.

Hyerim unnie stepped in into our conversation, "Stop messing with our cutie (y/n), she's feeling uncomfortable right now.

Mae unnie apologized, and I thanked Hyerim unnie. When we finished warming up, we went to the composing room. 3RACHA were already there, they were ready.

When I sat down with the girls, I noticed that Minho and Felix weren't here. "Chris," I called Chan.

He hummed in response while looking at his laptop, "What is it?" Then he finally looked at me, crossing his legs.

"Where's Minho and Felix?" I asked him. 

"Oh, they're making a choreograph. Don't worry, they're having fun." Then he turned back to his laptop and was doing something. 

I nodded and Mae unnie poked me, grabbing my attention. "You're not calling Bangchan sunbaenim a sunbaenim?" She asked in the most confused face ever.

I shrugged.

"Okay girls, JYP PD-nim has told me that you guys will be starting making songs for your first album. 3RACHA will be here to accompany you, you can also give us some suggestions if you guys want." Chan said calmly.

Me and the girls agreed and we started working on some song, they helped us making lyrics and what the concept is. This will be a long day, I know it. 

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