Chapter 1

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Gun (pov)

*Ting ting ting ting*

Argh god this alarm really sucks I was having the best dream
God I was a part of the Avengers and we were about to beat thanos

"Esh I really hate you phone"

"Ah gunnie you are finally up good , come down I already made breakfast"

"Aau mae how are you so-so"

"Awake ? " She said and chuckled when she saw me nod my head vigorously

"Thats because my little boy I woke up at around 6" she said while ruffling my hair

"Ooi maee , but it's a Sunday" I whined as I wrapped my arms around her waist and nuzzled in her belly which made her laugh

"Aau why are you acting like a baby love ?" She asked and i just nuzzled more

"Because I missed you mae .. I'm just glad that I'll be staying with you from now on" I replied she just brushed my hair and hummed

We stayed there for a few minutes before she made me get up and brush my teeth

We had our breakfast in comfortable silence but after breakfast she had to rush to her boutique .

Oh let me tell you a bit about myself

My name is Gun atthaphan phunsawat, but people call me Gun .
My parents are divorced because my dad couldn't keep his pants up god I really despise him for hurting my mother .
And because I was too young and because my dad is quite a rich man he owns many resorts in Thailand and also has a couple of side buisnesses the court let him have custody over me but he made a deal with my mom to let me live with her while I do my college education .
Oh my mom after the divorce started from scratch and built this now pretty popular clothing boutique she decided to name it after me "GA clothing"

Anyways ,

Before my parents split I used to be a hard-core fan of true love and all the shindig because my parents were practically childhood sweethearts they grew up together and when they were old enough to understand what love is they knew it that they were in love

They even spent a few years apart when my mother's family had to shift to the States for some medical issues my gramdpa faced but that didn't make them any weaker they were stronger than diamond

They were each others rock they went through thick and thin she was there when he had nothing now that he had made a name for himself he suddenly decided that he was bored of my mom

But apparently true love and everlasting love is a fucking scam because at the end of the day my mom got hurt he was broken she lost hope thank god my mothers mother (granny) was there to keep her strong and all held up together otherwise I would have lost her and that makes me angry to the core .

God I went off topic

Anyways so clearly I'm starting college luckily one of my friends from school New is also going to the same college and going for the same course

That'll make this hell hole a lot better . From tomorrow I'll hopefully start a new and better life because I neither liked nor did I dislike staying with my dad because he was never around he was always either at his resort or with his new muse , okay I disliked staying with him I change my mind. But that is better now . Hopefully rest will be better too .


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