chapter 33

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Off (pov)

I reached his house again I'm willing to sit around till he's ready to listen

I rang the bell only this time his mom opened the door

I flashed a smile and waied to her

"Umm off gun's not home he'll be back day after tomorrow" he spoke making me tilt my head in confusion

"Where did he go?" I asked now feeling a bit uneasy did he leave because he didn't want to see me ?

"He went to his por's house he's leaving for the state's so he wanted gun to spend some time with him" she replied

"Ahh I remember I totally forgot about that " I replied and let out little sigh of defeat day after tomorrow it is I suppose

I thought and started to walk away

"Umm off .. "she said making me stop and turn back

" tomorrow I'm leaving for a meeting and I'll be back in a few day so the house would be free.. I know my son he won't listen till there's no other option he'll ignore his problems and basically hide all his emotions if he had to so.. you could use the house if you really want to fix things " she spoke

I gave out the biggest smile and started to nod my head vigorously which only caused her to laugh

"Ah ah I'm heading out I've got to go to the boutique the key is under that little froggy " she added and got into her car

I stood there seeing her car disappear

I quickly fished out my phone to call Tay to help me out with the apology

After I told him my entire situation I waited for him to produce a good idea

"Hmm.. fist off I wanna meet his mom man damn she's helping you out like crazy if someone did that to my son I'd beat the crap out of him and secondly you also know I'm not good with all this Artsy things and you do know who is ..  have you talked to him since we got back ? " He spoke

He's talking about Arm I'm still pretty pissed at him for Saying all that shit infront of gun

But then again he was drunk argh

"Hello off ? Helloooo hoiii hehlluuu"

"Ai Tay shut up I was thinking I'll call him you are right I mean he is the artsy and the emotional one out of all of us ... " I replied

"Hmm you do that and I'll just head back to bed okay ?"

"Aye asshole get your ass up and get ready .. meet me at the mall in an hour " I replied and heard a groan from his end

I ended the call and went threw the contacts to call arm

I heard A few rings before it connected

"Hello " I spoke

"Hey off um.. how's"

"Still angry " I replied

"Oh man I'm really sorry again I"

"It's alright you were drunk drunk ... Umm arm what do you think I can do ? "

"Huh ? In what sense ? "

Oops I should explain

And with that he gave me bunch of ideas to apologise


Gun (pov)

I was in my room packing for tomorrow I have no clue why but por told me that he'll send a car for me at around 8

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