chapter 16

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Gun (pov)

I rushed out of his car and back into the house my back slumped against the door and my mind wandered around and the only thought that kept reappearing was off

How can he even think of us being anything more than friends

And why does that thought of us being more excite and frighten me ?

I get the frighten part

But why do I feel almost happy that he even thought of us like that ?

He's a rich play boy gun! Stop your thoughts

"Gunnie you're back?" Mae's voice brought me back

I walked into the living room and just dragged myself to lay beside her with my head on her lap

Meanwhile she played with my hair

"What happened sweetheart?" She asked

"Nothing" my voice came out barely in a whisper

She just hummed

"Mae ... "

"You like someone don't you ?" She asked and i snapped my neck to face her

"Don't act so surprised .. ah gunnie before you say anything about this I know that because of what happened between me and your por .. you you haven't really opened your heart to anyone now don't ask how I know.. I just do ..
All I wanna say is that don't let what happened between me and por make you miss out on one of the greatest and pure thing I know that's easier said than done but gunnie please don't shut yourself out na " she added

"But mae I'm scared I -i "

"You don't want to get hurt ? Oh gunnie "

"Mae the guy  he says he likes me but I can't be sure what if he is like por"

"Gunnie what your father did was way beyond wrong but you can't just judge someone before even giving them a chance also hun I'm here for you na if anything happens I'll be here for you always " she added and placed a kiss on my forehead

"But mae he's this playboy .. I don't know about it" I spoke

"Oo if that's the case then umm take your time with him if you feel like he truly likes you and is making an effort then go for it if not then you'll know " she replied

I just hummed

We sat there in that position for a while before she made me go to bed saying that her legs fell asleep

Now that I'm in my room I walked towards my window

Wait what

Why are you still outside ?

I called off just to ask why he's still outside my house

"Hello" I spoke when I heard the call connect


"Where are you ?" I asked

"Um I'm I'm at home why ?" He replied

"Why are you lying ?"

"What ?"

"I can see your car from my window .. stay there I'm coming down"

With that I ended the call

It's been almost an hour since I got back home

"Why haven't you gone home ?" I asked when I saw him standing outside his car

"I was Just thinking I'll leave don't worry" he replied in a little over a whisper

"Come in I need to talk to you and it's quite late so if you want you can stay over " I replied while opening the door to let the car in

His ears perked up like a little puppy when he heard what I said

I have to admit he is pretty cute

He rushed in his car and parked it in the drive way

"What do you want to talk about ?" He asked right when he got out of the car

"Coffee?" I asked and started to walk in

He followed

Mae has already gone to bed as she's got a meeting tomorrow morning

I went straight to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and he was just following me like a lost puppy

"I wear a lot of oversized clothing I think I'll find something that'll fit you " I said

"Gun .. don't play around" he said in desperation

"Soon let's just get you something to wear first " I replied and handed him a cup

We both then made our way towards my room

I was looking around my closet to find a pair of shorts and t-shirt while he sat on my bed again looking like a lost puppy

"Here ." I said handing him the clothes


"Ah ah fine , off I don't trust you we barely know eachother to even think about dating so~" I was about to continue but he cut me off

"So let's get to know each other,~" I shut him up py placing a finger on his lips

"Let me finish" I said

"So let's start off as friends , let's get to properly know eachother and we'll see where it goes okay ?" I added

And he just nodded

After a few seconds he raised his hand

Does he want to ask a question ?

Oh my god he does

Why are you acting so cute off

"You don't have to oho off now you can say whatever you want "

"I like you . " He simply said

I could feel my cheeks getting red I i just drank my coffee and waited for him to continue

"So.. while getting to know eachother can I also court you?" He asked in such an innocent voice

I chocked on my coffee after listening to him

"Do whatever you want " I replied

Oh god my cheeks are definitely burning

I looked up only to see him fist pump into the air
And hooting a bit

I let out a chuckle

God I like a little kid

"Now go get changed I'll prepare the guest bedroom till then" I said shaking my head

"Aau what ? I won't be sleeping here ?" He asked and gave me puppy doe eyes

"Don't give me that.. no you're sleeping there and this time if you try to come in here I won't hesitate to kick you out " I replied

"Ah ah okay but we'll be having breakfast together na" he said in a childish voice

"Just get changed off " I scolded

And he rushed to the bathroom

And I couldn't help but let out a chuckle

Oh boy he's adorable


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