chapter 8

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Off (pov)

During the whole drink splashing and yelling match

All my attention was towards this guy at the back who refused to look at anyone but gun

Where have I seen you man ?
Where ?

I was still trying to think where I've seen him when everyone started to move

We were walking away when this guy came towards us

"Gun" and decided to speak

" P' I don't want to talk to you anymore" gun replied

"Please nong could we talk " he pleaded

"Thank you P'sunny for the pictures" new suddenly spoke

"You sent him the pictures ?" Gun asked now in a bit of a softer voice

This guy really has a soft spot for new like you help new and now you are in guns good books

"Does that get me brownie points can we talk now please?" He pleaded and gun just nodded

See what I mean ?

He told us to go ahead

"Who is that guy ?" I asked while still looking at them walk away

"Oh thats P'sunny he's been chasing after gun for about 4-5 years "

"Oo wait what ?!" Me and Tay spoke at the same time

"Aahan , gun has rejected him everytime but he wouldn't budge"

"The club " I suddenly spoke now remembering where I remember him from

I just ran after gun hoping to catch them before I can tell him about his P'sunny

"The club that's where I remember you from" I shouted as soon as I reached near them

Both of them gave me a confused look

"Ooi gun do you even know about him ? He tried to force himself onto someone and I pushed him off of that other person, he's not a good guy" I continued

"Ayy who are you to say I'm not a good guy if you don't even know who I am" sunny spoke

"So are you going to deny that you ever did what I said?" I asked

"He can't do that because I was the one you helped off " gun suddenly spoke

Wait what ?

He tried to force himself on gun ? And still gun is being civil with this bastard what ?

"Gunnie " sunny suddenly spoke

"Thank you off for saving me that night I suppose I owe you one " gun suddenly looked up and said in a sincere tone

And I just nodded

"And as for you P'sunny I've already forgiven you for that it's okay " he said and let out a weak smile and sunny copied his smile

"Ah anyways what is it that you wanted to day p'" gun asked

"Can we talk alone ?" He replied while scanning me from top to bottom

Gun looked at me

"Oi p' it's okay just say it na we need to rush back too I don't live here anymore na"

"Ah okay gunnie you know that I've liked you for ages now " he said and gun nodded

Should I be here ? What's going on ?

"Yes but now I know for a fact that my feelings have progressed gunnie I love you , now I know your thoughts about love and all and I'm not saying that you need to change anything but could you please please give it a shot ?"

Why do I not like this ?
Why is this making me feel all weird inside ?

"Ah p' we've been~"

"Oi nong imagine his as a trial round just give me a chance nong if you're still not interested then that'll be it " he spoke while cutting gun off

Okay gun looks like he's really thinking about this no no no

"Gun " I suddenly yelled

Now both of them were looking at me the P'sunny Rolled his eyes

"You said you owed me one right ?" I spoke
And gun nodded

"Then go on a date with me " I added


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