chapter 3

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Off (pov)

Argh I shouldn't have drunk so much yesterday
I woke up with the worst kind of a headache and a hot chick
Did I bring someone home ?

"Good morning" the girl spoke in a seductive tone and started to straddle me and I just placed  my hands on her lower back

She was about to give me one sloppy kiss

"Oh didn't realise you had guest over" por suddenly badged in my room making the girl flinch

"Hello" he says as he he ruins our entire mood

The girl just gave out a sheepish laugh and waved at him

"Why are you here so early old man?" I asked annoyed of this prolonged hi's and hello's

" It's the first day of college young man and before you even whine no. You cannot stay home and if you treasure your pocket money then I would suggest you get ready and you too young lady" he spoke and left

We both sighed in defeat and got up and went to the bathroom

She said that she wanted to save water so that's what we did

Ahem ahem saved water

After our shower she got dressed and went downstairs meanwhile I started to look around my closet trying to find something to wear

I ended up wearing a plain white tee with black jeans and a black denim jacket

I ended up wearing a plain white tee with black jeans and a black denim jacket

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Not to shabby for a first day outfit I would say

I quickly rush down and the girl is still here okay this is a good time to think of her name I suppose

Fuck did i even ask her name ?

I sat down beside on the dining table where she had made herself quite comfortable treating herself to all the breakfast our maid had prepared

"Ah you two are down good good , ah son won't you introduce your friend?" Por gave me a smerk because he can see it on my face that I don't know shit

The girl just looked at me and smiled thinking I would remember

"Ahehe por she is..." I looked at her and gave a sheepish smile

"What the fuck off you don't even remember my name I fucking spent the night with you " she howled and stormed off

Meanwhile I just shrugged and por just laughed

"When will you stop this ? Huh ? Bringing random girls when will you introduce me to your signifcant other huh the one you would say that por I want to spend the rest of my life with this person" he spoke and I just laughed

"You tried the whole marriage thing right how did that turn out huh ?" I asked and he just glared at me

"Okay whatever you're going by yourself right or do you want me to give you a ride ?" I asked changing the topic

"I'll go by myself "

"Then I'm heading out now don't be late okay bye" he said and walked away

The thing is growing up I was never interested in commitments and a so called relationships

Well my mae ran away with her long time lover after getting enough money from my por and he couldn't care less why would he it wasn't like they were in love it was just what their parents wanted and so they did it

That whole thing just made me believe in one night stands and casual dating even more

My por owns the college I got into so obviously everyone knows about me because once a few years ago a senior at his college decided it would be a good idea to try and bully me

No that senior cannot get an admission in any college in the country

That incident made me quite notorious no body bothers to pick up fights with me if they value their college education


I walked into class only to find my best friend Tay talking to a few hot girls

I have taught him well

I walk over to them only to also notice this really beautiful boy

Wow never thought I would call a boy beautiful but he is he's going gorgeous features a very plump pair of lips oh those lips would looks great s~

"Ouch" I yelped

"Where's your attention peng?" Tay almost yelled

"Nothing nothing " I shouldn't be thinking what I just thought godd

"Ah anyways meet Emeli , Stacy , cathrine and finally Natasha" he introduced me to all the girls and oh boy Natasha stood out

Maybe because her figure was most like an hourglass than the rest

"Natasha is it " I repeated and she just gave me a very flirty smile and nodded

I went closer to her so as to get to know her better

Who am I kidding I'll be flirting my ass off

Not even twenty minutes in and she's already all over me
I'm good I tell ya

"So you love me then huh" she suddenly said in a very seductive voice

What the fuck where did love come from regardless I just went along with it and started to kiss her neck which he very readily made it accessible

I heard a pity chuckle coming from the direction that beautiful boy was sitting so I looked up and saw him  rolling his eyes I glared at him

I have no clue what that made me so annoyed

So I naturally I started to walk towards him

Why the hell am I walking his way

What the fuck is wrong with you off

Oh boy he's gorgeous

"You got a problem with us ?" I asked in almost a yelling tone

He just shrugged

I slammed my hand on my table and brought my face closer to his

What is my game plan here exactly

What the hell is happening what is he doing to my sanity

"Woah buddy you got your girlfriend right there " he spoke before I could get  any closer and smerked

The entire class erupted into "oo's and ahh's" and a few "oh dang's"

Oh he's got a toung on him huh

" Do you even know who you're talking to ?"  I asked feeling pity on him

Because he just met his doom

" I've been here a total of... 45 minutes so no I don't" he replied


"Oh you soon will" I replied i was about to say more when the door suddenly opened and the teacher walked in and I just  moved back to my seat not before giving him a stinky eye and he just smiled showing off his dimples

He's got dimples

Off you're going off topic here

This guy just humiliated you infront of the entire class argh

During the class roll call I just took down his roll number and just simply texted my dad regarding a certain roll number

You messed with the wrong guy pretty~ argh no


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