chapter 7

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Off (pov)

We were about to walk into class when shorty and his friend walked out all the while short bumped into me

I asked where they were heading only to get scolding from gun

This time I wasn't even trying to be rude what the hell

But then Tay saw that new was crying and suddenly become very concerned

Huh when did they become friends? After new spilled everything and told us that his long distance boyfriend is cheating on him gun dragged him out towards the parking lot

" Let's go with them" Tay suddenly spoke

"Huh ? Why should we ?" I asked now confused

"Well um.. umm yeah gun is too tiny to take up anyone and new is too emotionally vulnerable to face his ex " he spoke

"And this concerns you how?" I asked in a teasing tone

Oo I think he might have an eye on a certain very recently heart broken guy

"You want to waste an entire day of not flirting with gun are you backing out of the bet ?" He quickly spoke

"Let's go" I said and rushed to get my car

It was surprising that gun agreed to let us come

Maybe he saw what Tay said earlier eh whatever

After about an hour new stopped crying

"Umm so how long have you two been dating?" Tay suddenly asked

"A-about 4 years" new replied

"What an asshole" I joined

Now everyone was looking at me

"What ? I mean if you're no longer in love then let them go what is up with cheating" i added and Tay nodded

" I personally despise cheaters " I said

"Well who likes them hum?" Gun retorted

"Well no one but some try to defend them and justify their actions by saying that they made a mistake , I mean you don't accidentally have sex or kiss someone regardless of how drunk or lonely you are cheating is not justifiable" cheating is something that I'd never do because even though my por wasn't sad about the fact that mae practically cheated but I was pretty sad because hell no kid wants to see their parents split

This is the first time I've talked about this

"Atleast my mom when she cheated she didn't try to justify herself she spoke the truth" I added

Did I just say that ... I've never been able to talk about mae

I mean yes Tay and Arm know about it because they were with me

But I just told this to shorty and his unconscious friend

Tay knows me enough to know that I don't talk about these things hence the shocked look on his face

"Oh" thats it

That's all gun had to say

I just told him something that no one really knows what the fuck

"Anyways let's change the topic from me " I tried to change the topic and gun nodded

He looks uncomfortable

Did I make him uncomfortable ?

Tay suddenly asked to see the guys photo the one we're going to confront

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