chapter 36

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Off (pov)

I woke up with gun completely on top of me I really don't think he's even using the bed

But do I mind ?

Absolutely not ..I just wrapped my hands around him and held him a bit tighter

I heard a little groan so I just kissed the top of his head

"Ooi papi what are you doing "he whined a bit sliding off of me and back to the bed

Still hanging on like a koala

"Nothing" I replied and leaned down to kiss his cheeks making him giggle like a kid

"Ooi papi I just woke up stop that" he said while laughing and I just continued kissing him all the way down to his neck

Making him moan and laugh at the same time

Can you blame me for kissing him

Have you seen him plus I haven't been able to kiss him or hug him for a few days now

"Papi stop it tickles papiii ahhaa .. um papi ? " He spoke

I just hummed still nuzzled up between his neck

"Did you bring the stuff toy up ? " He asked looking at his bed side table and I just followed his eyes

"Umm.. nope" I replied

"I did " suddenly his mom's voice could be heard from the walking closet

Me and gun sat up

Fuck my life

"You two seemed deep in sleep so I didn't wake you up .. umm I would only asume that last night's excercise must have been tiring" she added while sorting through the clothes in her hand

"Umm a-aunty it's not not what it looks like" I stuttered while definitely looking like a tomato

I feel so hot right now what the hell is wrong with this ac ?

I looked at gun who was also blushing like crazy

"So you two didn't have sex ?" He shrugged making me choke at absolutely nothing

"Ooi maee can we talk later " gun cried as I covered my face with the blanket

"Ahaha why is he so shy ? Ah ah I'm going to the boutique I'll be home for dinner let's talk then " she spoke

"Ah also off the downstairs looks really cute you really went all out .. but hun please clean that up before leaving and gun you're doing your own laundry today "she added

I heard her footsteps leaving the room

"Is she gone ?" I asked still underneath the blanket

"Aahan she is you can come out " gun replied

"Your mae really is open about everything huh?" I asked

"She is but papi what was that ?" He asked

"What ?"

What did I do now ?

"It's not what it looks like?" He said while trying to mimic me

I chuckled

"Ohoo it's not like I'll say that yes aunty I just had sex with your son so yes we're tired " I replied

"Might I remind you mr.boyfriend the lube and the box of Condoms are  lying right there and our clothes are all over the place so what else would it look like ?" He asked while chuckling

Mr.boyfriend hehe that's me

"What ?" He asked

I must look stupid oops

"Nothing just come back and cuddle na " I replied pulling him to back to sleep

"Gun you're working on a new software ? Your mae was talking about something" I asked after a while

"Yup I'm working on a MMO game it'll take a while " he replied

I wish I could help out but whatever I know about coding is from the society it's pretty interesting might I say

"I wish I could help you to make it " I spoke while running my hand down his back

"You could help with the coding if you want to " he said and looked up to me

"Gun I would only make it harder for you I know nothing " I said and laughed

"Oho come on papi you know the basics you could help with the basic codes Plus I'll be there to help you out .. on another thought leave it .. " he spoke

"Huh what why ? Why the change of heart ?" I asked all confused

"If you do this with me then we'll have to spend way too much time together I I just fear that I might end up strangling you " he laughed as he spoke

"Ooi gun that's not funny also if working on this game means that I'll be stuck with you then I'm in teach me "I replied and he just laughed

"What I'm serious "

"You'll get bored of me papi also I thought you weren't interested in coding " he spoke as he got up

"Number one . I'm never getting bored of you .
Number two . I actually do like coding it's quite fun
And number three the most important .. where are you going come back and cuddle " I whined

"Papi get up and take a shower I'll clean the bed .. I'm hungry "he whined back

"Ooi gun I Missed holding you come on na please let's stay in bed na na na" I'm not getting up without a fight.

"Papii go take a bath " he said trying to sound angry but he looks so cute that I couldn't help but laugh which made him glare at me

Okay now he's mad I shall get up now

"Ah ah I'll help you clean" I said as I got up and he just hummed

We took the old sheets out which had a few stains from last night oops..  and replaced them with new one's

"Let's eat first na " he asked and i Just nodded

All the while he Cooked I hung on to him

I really don't want to let him go ..he whined at first but then gave in

Even at the table I made him sit on my lap and opened my mouth waiting for him to feed me

"Papi atleast have your own food why are you acting so childish ?" He said as he ignored my open mouth and fed himself

"Aau gun I couldn't hold you like this for what 5 days I'm just making up for lost time now feed me " I replied and again opened my mouth

This time I was fed hehe

"You're really stupid you know... But you're my stupid " he replied and kissed me

I really don't know how this cute little guy managed to change me like this I mean I genuinely didn't care about significant others in my mind it was more or less like if one goes another one will come but with gun I can't even imagine someone else if he goes then I still want him I don't want anyone else.

"Gun move in with me "


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