chapter 10

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Third person (pov)

Tay and off reached guns house and they were greeted by new

"We brought beer " Tay spoke

"Where's gun ?" Off asked

"Keep the beer on the table and gun is just calling his mom to tell her about all this " new replied

"Wait you mean about the drinking and all?" Off asked in shock

"Yup him and his mom are really close so he shares almost everything to her " new replied

"So he's a mumma's boy then?" Off joked

"Don't joke about it if you don't know anything about it " new scolded

"Ah ah let's change the topic na ? So drinks ?" Tay spoke trying to change the topic

"Ah you guys are here , I ordered pizza too it's on its way" gun spoke as he joined the rest

"Oh guys tomorrow we have an orientation " new said

"So?" Off replied

"So your morning classes are suspended , and classes will continue after the break" new answered

"So that means we can get wasted!!" Tay exclaimed

Gun mentally slapped his luck because he had already assigned himself as the babysitter

They all started to drink and discuss some random topics nothing too serious

"This is boring let's watch a movie na ?" New suddenly spoke and everyone agreed

"But with a twisht ?" New added fumbling with his words

He grabbed everyones attention so he continued

"Let's watch THE HANGOVER
And we have to ,
Drink every time someone says "Vegas" or "baby."
Drink twice every time the group finds something out or remembers something.
Drink every time someone says "fuck."
What do you say ?"

He finished his statement with a smirk and everyone agreed

Gun only agreed to watch the movie re refused to play the game

"Oh boi I'll have to take care of some really drunk people" though gun



Only an hour into the movie everyone got wasted they were taking shots left and right

New has now officially started his drunk moping

But to my surprise he didn't come to me for comfort he instead is all cuddled up and crying on Tay and Tay rather than being annoyed is trying his best the comfort him

Off was finding everything way too funny he was laughing like there's no tomorrow

God this is a mess I give them another thirty minutes to do all the drinking befor a haul their ass to bed

Out house has one guest roon so off and Tay will just have to be roomates for a night and new will bunk with me

Okay I'm tired so I go to switch off the TV

After switching it off I faced everyone only to fine Tay and New in deep sleep whilst cuddling and off just whining

"Aau why you do that ? " He asked and tried to give me puppy doe eyes

"Look they've already fallen asleep let's get to bed too" I replied

"Ooi aren't you a bit forward atleast take me out on a date first" off replied while trying to protect his dignity

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