chapter 38

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Me Tay and Arm are in the nearest cafe to my appartment Because gun and new kicked us out for being too distracted and not really helping out with the unpacking

I was just glaring at my two "bestfriends" who took away my chance of being alone with gun

"Ooi you look like you're going to murder us" arm spoke as he took a sip of his coffee

"That's because I want to" I replied

"Aau what did we do ?" Tay whined

"Let us join too it'll be funn blah blah" I taunted making them cringe a bit

"Now I don't get to spend any time with my gun" I whined

"Alone." I added as I saw arm trying to say something

"Ooi but now see you guys moved in together" he said all excited

"Hah yes absolutely we dont even have a fucking dining table Because guess what our living room is a home office for all of you guys to work in" I cried

"Oho off just tell us whenever you want to spend some quality time with gun and we'll not show up simple " Tay shrugged and got back to his Latte

Me and arm gaped at him because he's not the most smartest out of the three

"What ? I want to spend some time with new too " he added and gave a sheepish smile

Ahh this makes more sense

"Then this week . Don't come this week ." I shrugged

"Oi off the next two days we won't bother you take it or leave it . We've got a deadline." Arm replied

I was about to argue but I didn't. Because we have been working really hard to finish by the deadline.

So I just nodded


Gun (pov)

"New you know that I love you right " I spoke as I arranged the books on the shelves

"Yes I know and now you don't want me and Tay around so that you can spend some time with papi" he shrugged and I gaped at him

"What I get it I want my alone time with Tay too " he chuckled

"Ooi new you guys are such a big help with the app and honestly I'd be nowhere if you guys didn't join in but... I miss spending some quality time with him and now with this deadline we're all stuck together "I cried making new laugh

"Ah ah you guys just moved in I think I'll be able to convince Tay and Arm to leave you two alone " he replied and smiled and I just bounced around like a kid

Finally yayay

Oo maybe I should cook for him or or or we could cook together


Soon after new left papi came home

Ooi our home .

We were now cooking

I was cooking he was there

"Papi"~"gun" we said in unison I just nodded to let him go first

"Um. So you wanna go for a movie tomorrow it's been a while since we went on a date let's go for a fancy dinner and a movie na" he asked

"How did you know that I asked new " I replied a bit confused

"What did you ask new ?" Now he asked confused

"Um I asked him to convince Tay and Arm to leave us alone for a few days" I replied and he started to laugh

He came near and turned the gas off and twisted me around

What's going on

He made me sit on the counter as he placed himself inbetween my legs

"What are you doing papi" I asked as he kissed my neck

"I missed our alone time too babe so I asked them too " he replied making me chuckle

I grabbed onto his hair as he placed wet kisses all over my neck making me moan

"Papi lets take it to our room na" I spoke in between moans

"Khaaap lets go to our room" he said and picked me up


After maybe like 4 rounds I lost count okay we both were longing for each other for quite some time now.. we were just cuddling

"Gun " he suddenly  spoke

"I love you " he added making me blush

"Oi papi I know... I love you too " I replied as I nuzzled deeper and he just held me tight

Never thought I'd be so deeply in love with someone I thought I should stay away from


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