chapter 21

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Off (pov)

"Oho I genuinely don't understand why we couldn't invite gun and new too ?" I whined grabbing the attention of the other two

Tay just nodded and looked at arm

"Ooi don't you two miss your dear friend? "Arm whined back and gave us puppy doe eyes

"Ah ah stop that .. what I don't understand is why the hell are we here in the middle of the day rather than night I mean it's Friday after all" Tay asked

"Oho I'm going camping tomorrow with por and I don't want to go with a headache " I replied

They both just nodded

"You never really liked to hang out with your dad wait you both never really did things like this what happened all of a sudden?" Arm asked while taking a sip of his beer

"Well things happen.. plus por always seems excited to take me out so I don't want to hurt his feelings you know" I replied

"Bullshit" Tay suddenly screamed making me and arm and a few other people to look at us

"Your wife made you didn't he " he added while pointing towards me

I didn't respond I just drank my drink

"Holy shit he did " arm said and started to laugh

"I take it back your husband made you"now Tay joined and laughed

"I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you were the  bottom in the relationship I mean gun could easily..~"

"Ah ah ah enough yes gun did make me go to the trips but I genuinely enjoy them so now shut it and drink " I spoke before arm could get carried away and

"Oh boy you are whipped " Tay spoke

"So are you my friend" I replied and he just mouthed "touche"

We spent the next few hours drinking and pulling eachother's leg

I didn't drink that much since I was the designated driver


I reached home and saw por sitting on the sofa so I layed down beside him and put my head on his lap

It's been a while since I've done this

"Off did you drink ? At this time what the hell ? Did you get rejected or something ?!?" Again with his rapid fire

"Calm down old man , yes I did go to drink and it's not because I got rejected it's because arm wanted to spend some time together because we've not hung out in a while and at this hour because I don't want to go camping with a headache .. all caught up now ?" I replied and he just nodded

"Ohoo what has gotten into you huh ? Ah ah anyways about the camping trip let's do it next week I don't feel so good "he spoke and I looked at him

"Huh ? Are you okay ? Do you have a fever ?" I asked

"Ohoo calm down wait is this how I sound  when I ask questions ?" He asked and i nodded

"Ahaha okay what I was saying is that instead why don't you invite the girl you've been chasing for lunch or something we can cook  .. what say ?" He added and I sat up

He thinks I'm chasing a girl oh boy .. I never specified huh ..

"Um por.. what if.. it's not a girl" I spoke slightly above a whisper and looked down onto my lap

"Oh." He spoke and my neck snapped to look at him

Oh ?!

"Is that okay ?" I asked

He let out a chuckle

"Ofcourse it is you are free to like who so ever you want but wait do I know this boy ? Ooi spill off I wanna know who made you fall head over heels for them " he asked like a teenage girl

While I laughed

"Ahahah I'll ask if he's free tomorrow for lunch.. till then remain in suspense " I replied and smirked and he let out a whine

I laughed and went up to my room

I pulled out my phone to call gun ooi why is my heart racing at the idea of him meeting por

*Ring ring ri*

"Hello" I spoke and plopped down onto my bed

"Hello pa~off" he replied and I smiled a bit

"Ooi why didn't you say it ?! " I whined

"Shut up what do you want ?" He replied and I can feel him blushing that's enough for me

"Ah ah are you free tomorrow ?" I asked

"I am why ? Don't tell me you're ditching your por because if so off~"

"Ohoo let me speak na I'm not ditching por.. well I was wondering if you could come over for lunch por wants to meet you" I spoke cutting him off

"Um.. meet me umm he's already met me in college then.." he stuttered

"Well he wants to meet the boy his son is chasing " I replied and smirked as if he could see it

"Oh... Um ahem f-fine okay I suppose I'll come over.. if he wants to.." he replied after a little while


"Hmm what ?" He replied

"Nothing I just wanted to say your name .. " I spoke

"Ooi papi shut up I'm hanging up now see you tomorrow" he replied and ended the call

"See you tomorrow " I spoke out loud while smiling to myself

Hehe he called me papi


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