chapter 27

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Gun (pov)

"Does Arm's exams end today too ? Or what ?" I asked papi who just shrugged

"It absolutely does my best friends don't care  atleast their boyfriends are nice " arm spoke from behind and gave me a hug making off glare at him

Ah you heard that right .me and off started dating around the same time Tay and New did 

We all just finished with our first semester exams. Yes. It already has been a few months

And I couldn't be happier something about this man makes se smile

"Ooi papi are you getting jealous ?" Tay teased and arm nodded along 

"Jealous of who ? This idiot ?" Off retorted back making me and new look back and forth

"Idiot who me ? Aau gun you'd be attracted to me too na" arm spoke and looked at me with hope

I just smiled and just nodded

Making Tay and Arm burst out hooting me and new couldn't help but laugh

I looked at off and quickly hugged him

"But but but arm ... only papi makes me feel this way" I spoke and placed a little peck on his cheeks

Making him smile like a complete idiot

Arm and Tay made gaging sounds

"What are you on about huh ? Gaging ? If I said the same you'll behave the same ?" New pouted making Tay quickly apologize and cuddle up with new

"Ah ah I know I'm single stop getting all snuggled up with eachother and tell me if you guys have anything planned for the holidays ?" Arm asked

"I was about to ask the same " I replied

" Where do you want to go love ? Wherever you want" Papi spoke

"Aau papi everyone will go na why are you only asking me " I replied with a slight blush

"Aau whyy" he whined back

"We are right here off .. we can hear you " Tay spoke

"Ooi gun lets go to your beach house ne it's been a long overdue " new spoke

"Oh yeah "I replied all excited making new jump a bit in joy too

Off Tay and Arm all three looked at us now completely confused

"Hehe so I've got a beach house in Phuket it was a gift from por after the success of the app I created me new P'sunny and an asshole planned on going there but our plans would always get cancelled or postponed , if you guys wanna go I'll ask someone to prepare it for us  ah here see "

"Hehe so I've got a beach house in Phuket it was a gift from por after the success of the app I created me new P'sunny and an asshole planned on going there but our plans would always get cancelled or postponed , if you guys wanna go I'll ask some...

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I spoke and showed them the picture everyone gaped at my phone

"Wow that's a gift ?" Arm asked and I let out a slight Chuckle and shrugged

"Let's go there only it'll be a great getaway " Tay said and we all agreed

Sorry for the short chapter 🥺
Been too busy

I'm planning on writing all the chapters at once and posting them all together because we're almost towards the end and only about 4-5 chapters are left

It'll take a while to write so bare with me


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