chapter 14

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Gun (pov)

After the weird phone call I received from off, new messaged me letting me know that they were all planning on going out.

Simple movie and new wanted to visit this flea market again too so we'll most probably go there too

Oh after me and off called it a truce we all became friends now we're usually seen hanging out together and eating lunch

Me and new also met their other friend Arm and honestly he's quite a nice guy

Coming back to the call that I recieved.

What was that all about ? First off he called maybe 4 times in the span of 30seconds

And then all he had to ask was what I did with P'sunny and wether we kissed or not

Well something that P'sunny said also doesn't really make sense




"What do you think of off ? As in is he like a good friend or anything more ?" He asked

"He's a friend p' what else could he be ?" I replied

He gave out a sheepish smile before saying

"No he seems more than just a friend atleast from his side " he added

And I just tilted my head in confusion

"Ahahah it's okay nong leave it anyway thank you for agreeing to this fake date heh I sound so pathetic ah anyways I just wanna say I'm still here for you were still going to be friends right " he asked and gave out a weak smile

I just nodded and smiled

*End of flashback*

There is no way off has any feelings for me



Me, Tay and Arm are waiting outside the theatre waiting for the rest aka new and gun

"So you are here for new " arm said pointing at Tay

"And you are here for gun" he added now pointing at me

Tay nodded yes and I shrugged

"Ooi so why am I here ? I would be like the 5th wheel" he whined

"Ohoo why would you say that arm we're here to watch a movie that's it " i said

"I'm here to spend time with my new " Tay replied

"Oo my new huh" me and arm both teased and his face became so flushed

And as if on cue new and gun made there way towards us

"Hello" perfect timing new

Tay just became more red didn't know that was possible

"Hi" Tay replied in almost a whisper

"Tay you look sick is everything okay ?" New asked all concerned and touched Tay's forehead

"Hehe I'm fine let's go watch the movie na it's about to start" Tay said and quickly started to walk away

New and arm followed and me and gun were right after them

Me and gun exchanged a really awkward smile

Fuck I made things awkward between us I shouldn't have called

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