chapter 37

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Gun (pov)

"Gun move in with me "

Papi spoke and on cue I chocked on my food

"What the hell papi don't joke around when I'm eating." I scolded

"Huh ? Gun I'm not joking I'm dead serious let's move in together " he replied and I turned around a bit to face him

"Papi I've not been able to live with my mom for so long I can't  leave .. I just got her back." I replied in a calm tone his expression changed too

From being to egar to make me move in to a much softer look

"I get it... But." He replied and looked at me

"But ?"

"After college we're definitely moving in together ." He spoke all excited and flashed the biggest smile.

He looks so sure about us.

Don't get me wrong I am too but I can't be a hundred percent sure about what will happen in the next four years .

Was he not just joking about when he agreed with his father about spending the rest of his life with me ?

"Papi" I suddenly spoke grabbing his attention

I cupped his face and placed a little kiss nothing too needy just a quick little passionate kiss

"I love you so damn much .. so yes let's move in together once were done with college." I replied making him look a bit puzzled but he still smiled none the less

"Where are you going ?" He asked as I got up from his lap

Can you believe it he got that clingy

"To take a bath" I shrugged and he nodded

"Um.. you can join me if you want." I said as I walked up the stairs without even looking back at him

I soon heard the chair being pushed back and him just rushing towards me

I just chucked and led the way


*6months later*

"Okay you got everything ?" Mae asked

As I sat on the ground packing my bags

"Aww my baby's moving out " she added as she sat down besides me

"Ooi mae it's like twenty minutes away don't make it sound like I'm moving to a different province " I whined

"Hmm agreed you are not but I don't think you and your boyfriend will visit much .." she pouted

"Aau maee I'm a good son I'll come have dinner with you evry now and then " I smiled

"If you're not preoccupied already. Ah ah I've got a call to make I'll do it now so that I can drop you to your new apartment" she spoke while getting up

I know what I said but the situation is such that we kinda have to move in together and totally not because we've not been able to spend any alone time

Totally .. let me explain

After we sorted things out we weren't really able to spend much time together during the summer vacations because me and mae ended up staying with my grandma most of the summer since she hadn't seen me in so long either so she didn't let us visit for only a few days instead she insisted on staying for the entire two months and we couldn't refuse

During that time papi did come visit me for a few weeks because he "couldn't take it " but still

Ah anyways after the vecation me and papi started working on the game

Initially it was suppose to be just me and papi I don't know how.. I do know how everyone got involved.


All five of us were sitting outside on one of the round table

Tay and New were busy with their silly fight , arm just sitting there judging them

And me and papi sitting infront of my laptop
I'm just teaching him the few basics so that we can start working

"What are you two doing ?" Arm suddenly asked

"Working on guns new game " papi replied and shrugged

"Oo what sort of game ? Can I help ?" He asked all excited me and papi looked up towards him

"Umm it's a MMO game I'm not exactly sure we're you could help " I replied

"Oo I could help with the graphics please please it'll be fun" he asked and i just smiled and nodded

"I suppose you could I never thought about asking you with the graphics it completely slipped my mind " I replied and papi whined making me look at him in confusion

"I thought it was going to be just the two of us " he whined

"Ooi papi ~"

"Aau we wanna help out too " suddenly Tay and New whined

When did they even start to listen to our conversation

"Umm .."

"We'll help with the research and data handling " new spoke

"Yeahh this'll be so much fun all of us working together " arm replied and I couldn't help but just nod

*End of flashback*

I love them I really do and they do help out a lot with the game because they help out with the story plot and to see what the current market is like

I didn't even think about those things but I was really looking forward to working with papi

Just papi..

Last week I realised that we need a little home base to work at because randomly meeting up in the college or any other cafe isn't the most effective

Since now we are trying to get a beta version out for our investors to see

So hence me and papi are moving in together where the entire living room is basically a office but none the less were moving in

Atleast we'll be able to spend the nights together

Hehe ..


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