chapter 26

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Third person (pov)

Gun walked into the cafe and looked around for new

"Ooi they really slept together " he thought out loud after seeing his friend's neck covered in hickies

Gun walked over to where new was sitting

"Why are you so dressed up ?" New asked as soon as gun sat down infront of him

" I had lunch with the principal " gun replied and new just hummed

"Wait off's dad ? Woah " new replied

" Forget about me so ? What happened exactly ?" Gun asked

And new narrated what exactly happened last night

"Gun I took advantage of him he's going to hate me " new cried

"New have you gee I don't know tried talking to him rather than jumping into conclusions ?! " Gun scolded

"Gunn I can't face him I feel horrible ! What if what if he see's this as me using him as rebound or something" new replied

"Well ? Was it ?" Gun asked

"What ?! No !! Gun I would never " new replied and gun just nodded

Meanwhile at Tay's appartment

"Will you stop pacing around ?!" Off yelled now having a bit of a headache from seeing his friend walk about mumbling something to himself

"I can't help it off im scared that I lost my chance arghh " Tay replied

"How ?"

"When I woke up I thought that I dreamt it all since my memory is a bit hazy from last night but then I saw the note .. off he ran off after we did it I made a mistake off I fucking hate myself " Tay cried

"What mistake ? Tay have you considered that he must have had something to do so he left and there's nothing more to it what the fuck are you so scared about ?" Off asked

"I'm just scared that I might have ........."

"What ?! Speak louder" off replied not being able to understand Tay

"......" Tay again mumbled

"Speak louder Tay" off screamed

"I might have forced myself onto him" Tay now yelled

"What ?! Did you ?!" Off asked

"I don't know arghhh it's all a blur " Tay cried

"You and new need to have a conversation about this man otherwise you'll go insane " off spoke

*Ring ring*

off's phone went off he just quickly pulled it out to see who's calling

"Peng call them back later no" Tay spoke annoyed

"It's gun he's with new " off replied and picked up the call

"How did he know?" Tay asked himself

"Hello " off spoke

"Papi could you bring Tay to the cafe you dropped me off at ?" Gun asked

"Huh ? Why what happened ?" Off asked

"New is freaking out him and Tay need to have a face to face conversation just bring him na "

"Ah ah we'll be right there " off replied and heard the call end

"Where are we going ?" Tay asked

"Amma's cafe to talk to new he's freaking out . " Off replied and got up

"Huh ? Because of me ? Ahhhh I messed everything up I'm never drinking again that's it ." Tay cried as he followed off out the door


Tay (pov)

We reached the cafe and my heart is beating like crazy

We shouldn't ..  let's just go back

"Just keep walking if you even think of going back I'll kill you myself" off suddenly spoke while we made our way in

"Ooi when did you become a mind reader huh ?" I asked and he just gave me a disappointed look

Okay it's not the time to joke around I get it

"There " off spoke and my eyes trailed to where he was looking


New saw us our eyes met and he seems in utter shock

Me and off just made our way towards their table and off quickly sat down beside gun leaving the seat beside new

"Before you kill me I just thought that you guys need to have a conversation before jumping into conclusions " gun spoke breaking the silence

Off and gun started to talk amongst eachother leaving me and new sit in this awkward silence not even making eye contact

Just say sorry Tay just say it you idiot

"I'm sorry" we both said in unison

We looked up to meet eachother's eyes

Did he just  say sorry ? Huh ?

"Why are you saying sorry ? "

"You go first "

"Fine I'll go first "

We said in unison I was about to continue but he placed his hand over my mouth and continued

"For taking advantage of your drunk state I'm sorry " he spoke in a whisper and my eyes widened

"Advantage ?! Woah no no new you have my full consent drunk or sober to do anything ... To me heh I mean .. " I rambled

"Um.. new ... I didn't force myself on you na ? If I did anything stupid when I was drunk please forgive me please don't hate me  " I added and looked down onto my laps

"Huh ? Hate you ? Why would... I don't hate you and no you didn't force me to do anything I was also more than willing to. Um you know " he replied making my head snap up to look at him

"Really woah so. With what happened. Um.. heh "

"I like you Tay I really do " new added

"You guys can have your date we'll leave you to it new drop tay na for me " off suddenly spoke

Fuck he's here too

"Aau papi I wanna see them being all cute and ignore our existence  " gun pouted

Making me and new now blush like crazy

"Let the two love bird's be I'll drop you home ah come "off added and dragged gun out

"So.. shall this be our first date ?" I asked making new look like a tomato

He just nodded

Ahahhaha he's so cute and now he's mine


I got so busy yesterday with
college assignments
Argh online classes will be my doom


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