chapter 34

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Gun (pov)

Suddenly the whole place lit up with fairy lights with strings of photos hanging down

What the fuck is going on ?

The lights were tied up from the support pillars I walked in a bit

Kinda scared .. do I have a stalker ? No .. right

I stood in the middle of the room when the tv switched on with a slide show of my photos

What the fuck these look like photos someone took without my knowledge

I fiddled with my phone wanting to ring the police


"Ahhhhhh" I screamed as I turned around with my fist up ready to fight

"Ahh gun its me please don't hit me " papi?

What the fuck is wrong with this man ? Did I really choose to love him ?

"What the hell are you doing here papi?" I asked while calming my heart beat down

"I wanted to talk to you " he replied

"Like this ? Papi I almost called the police because I thought someone was stalking me " I scolded

"Aaish Tay " he mumbled

Don't laugh gun no you gotta act tough

But he's so cute

"I don't have time for this I'm really tired clean this up and put the key back where you found it " I said and started to walk away

"Gun stop " he spoke making me Stop my steps I just looked at him waiting for him to continue

"You owe me "

"What ?" I better be hearing shit he didn't just use that

"You owe me one remember ? I wanna use it " he replied

Oh you better not ask for me to forgive you through this

"I'm not asking for forgiveness I just want you to listen to me thats all" he spoke

He Can't  read my mind ?
Right ?
Can he  ?
Can you...?

"Hm what do you want to say ?" I said and looked at the screen while he smiled and took a few deep breaths

The answer is no. I think


"Why did you take photos of me ? Like that ? Did you have to show your friends a photo proof ?" I asked before he could start

"Huh ? No gun me chasing you was never for the bet ." He replied

And took a step closer

"Then what ?" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear

"Gun I was chasing you because believe it or not I fell for you the first time I saw you " he replied making me look up at him

Huh ? First time ? But ...

"You tried to.."

"I know I know I tried to get you kicked out of the college because my stupid self was so confused with what I was feeling I confused it with anger I thought I was mad at you for talking back to me .. infact when you ruffled my hair in por's office that made my heart do little summersaults  but I was to stupid and stubborn to realise what all it meant " he replied

He took a deep breath and let out a chuckle before continuing

"Infact I confused my jealousy with oh he's a friend and I don't want him to get hurt .."he added

"Jealous ? Of who ? Who'd hurt me ?" I asked confused

"P'sunny.. "he mumbled and looked down at the ground

Oh so that's what the random call meant.

Hehe he was jealous .. so cute

Is he still jealous ? Should ask him later ..

"You know I even bought you this " he said and picked up the little toothless stuff toy from the table

I'm confused now

"This reminded me so much of you " he added as he gave it to me

"How ?" I asked all confused

"He's fierce and adorable .. the most powerful and the most caring " he said while looking straight into my eyes

"Ahem . So are you still confused ? Or what ?" I asked trying my best not to jump on him and kiss him mindlessly

"Hah after the kiss at the flea market I don't think I'll ever be confused about how I feel about you gun , I knew I love you gun I had fallen head over heels for you by then after that I knew that all I want to do is be right beside you protect you , be a shoulder you could cry on to give it my all to make you smile ... Gun I'm really sorry that bet genuinely meant nothing infact I didn't even remember it till that stupid drunkard said it again " he said with tears now rolling down his face

"I'm really sorry gun I reall am "

"Did you get the watch?" I asked while keeping toothless down on the table and walking a bit closer towards him

"Huh? No no I didn't .." he spoke and shook his head

"I really suggest that you should get that watch .. because.." I spoke while reducing the the distance between

"You won." I added now with no space in between us

He just looked down at me all confused

I wrapped my arms around his neck

"Because you made me fall so deeply inlove with you " I said and tiptoed to steal a quick peck

"Gun I love you so much you don't even know .. you're no.. umm you're no longer mad ?" He asked as I wiped away his tears

"Papi I stopped being mad on the way back home from the beach .. I was scared .. scared to fine out weather the happiness you gave me was because you wanted to or because you had to.. I was scared to find out how much of it was pretend and how much was not " I replied

He started to wipe off the tears that were now rolling down my cheeks ..

When the hell did i start to cry?

"It was never pretend gun it really never was " he replied and hugged me

"I missed you so much papi " I cried as I held him tighter

"I missed you more gun " he replied

After a few minutes of just standing there hugging we pulled apart with my hands still wrapped around his neck and his arms around my waist

"Gun I'm really~"

"Papi could you please shut up and kiss me already I missed~" my words were cut off with his lips on mine

He didn't wait long to take control with his lips nibbling on my lips making me moan his toung exploring every inch of my mouth

I missed him so much


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