chapter 31

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Gun (pov)

The second i reached home I went straight to Mae's room and cuddled up right beside her luckily she was still awake

"Ooi gunnie why are you back so soon what happened ?" He asked all concerned

I told her everything whilst just being a crying mess

She just held me close shushing me

"Mae I  hate him " I spoke while Letting out a defeated sigh

"Gunnie I know that right now you are mad but you don't hate him honey infact off loves you too .. bet or no bet " she replied making me look at her

"Ah ah baby the way he looks at you na that look is really hard to fake and he's been looking at you like that since day one "

"He could be a great actor I mean he did pretend to court me " I mumbled

"Talk to him sort things through and then make the decision " she replied

"You should be hating on him why are you taking his side ?" I huffed now done crying and somehow feeling a bit better

"Ahaha because gunnie I've seen how happier you've gotten he brings out this smile that I've not seen for so long , yes he's an idiot foe making a bet like that but give him a chance to explain because you'll only regret it in the future if you don't ." She spoke and I just hummed

I cuddled  up against her and she wrapped her hands around me till I lulled to sleep


Off (pov)

Once we reached back I went straight to guns house before going to mine

I need to apologise

I was standing outside his house like a lost dog with my luggage in one hand still wearing last night's clothes

I waited outside not having enough courage to even ring the bell

He hates me I really don't think he would want to see my face but I need to explain my stupid decision

How I didn't really chase him because of that stupid bet but because I wanted to from the very beginning

Why did I even make that bet ?!

"He's sleeping " a sudden voice made me get out of my thoughts

I looked up only to see gun's mother standing at the door

"He came home pretty late and was crying a lot so he just had his food and went straight to bed again " she added


Gun's mother (pov)

I went to check up on gun since he decided to just be in bed and sleep all day

I went to close the curtains only to see a certain someone who made my baby cry standing outside looking like a lost puppy contemplating what to do next ... He looks tired eyes all puffed up

He's been crying too .. is that his luggage ? Oho this stupid boy

"He's sleeping " I spoke making him look up

"He came home pretty late and was crying a lot so he just had his food and went straight to bed again " I added to make him feel a bit guilt

Oh boy he looks like he's going to cry again

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt I'm I I I"

"You're stupid making that crazy bet that watch better be a limited addition one " I spoke to make him stop rambling

"He hates me .."

"Did you actually lo~"

"Yes a hundred percent I wasn't lying about anything I promise I didn't even remember I made any bet " he spoke cutting me off

"Hm.. well today he's going to rest up and you should too have you had any food ? Come I'll make something ...
stupid you look exhausted come" I replied

"Huh? You're not mad at me ?" He asked confused

"I would have if I didn't know that you two are crazy for eachother just if you actually do love him then just give it your all my son is a bit stubborn but he'll come around I know" I replied and gave a smile

He walked a bit closer and out of nowhere gave me a hug

"Thank you .. this is the first and the last time he'll ever get hurt because of me I'll make sure " he spoke while still hugging me

I let out a slight Chuckle and just nodded

This kid

He then proceeded to book and cab to his house while refusing to come in because he didn't want gun to get upset by seeing him atleast for today


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