chapter 18

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Off (pov)

After I left gun's house what he said stuck with me

"What about your dad ?"

"Hm? What about him?"

"I'm sure that he must be lonely too"

"Hah he wasn't he instead ignored me and got straight back to work leaving me with the nannies"

"Have you talked to him about it ? He must have been hurt "

"I'm telling you he doesn't care he barely cares about me he only agrees to what I want so that he doesn't have to deal with me"

"Off that man is willing to kick someone out on your one call .. people have different ways to show care just try and talk to him na "


Should I ? I mean he does have a point por does everything I ask him to without even asking any questions

ohoo I should be happy that gun and I are making progress but instead I'm here all confused and almost mad about honestly god knows what

I finally reached home upon entering I saw por sitting on the couch

"You're back ? Where were you ? Don't you usually bring your "partners" home ?" He asked in one go

"Good morning to you too , I was at a friend's house it got to late so he suggested that I should just stay at his place" I replied while thinking about what exactly happened last night

"So what's with that smile ?"


"What ?" I replied and quickly removed my smile

"Okay you are acting weird" re replied

"Um por can I ask you something ?" I asked and he nodded

"Do you ever feel lonely ?" I asked

"Huh ? What ? Where is this coming from ?"

"I mean after mae left you never really talked about it you were always busy with work or something ..."

"Off .. do you miss her ?" He asked

"Why would I miss someone who never wanted me .. but.." I paused and looked at him

"Por I sometimes miss you" I added

His eyes filled up with tears as he got up to hug me

Without even realising it I also started to cry

"I'm sorry off after your mother left I didn't want to admit to the fact that I actually loved her or cared because from the beginning she was very clear about how she felt so when she left I immerged myself in work god I didn't even realise how that would have effected you I'm sorry boy I really am" he said while I was still in his embrace

We let go and he sat back down

"Our families had decided to get us married and we both agreed to it because neither could afford to go against them we both knew that there's no love between us but we carried on I don't even know when or how I fell in love with her where as she clearly didn't " he let out a sad chuckle

"What about now ? I mean ?" I asked

"No not anymore after what she did to you I could never she left you in the middle of a crowded fair what if something happened to you huh ? I would have killed her with my bare hands "

"Woah a bit too much " I replied and we both laughed

"Ah ah where exactly where you yesterday off ? Don't lie to me there's now way you were with a friend on a Saturday night " he asked all amused

"Ooi I was we went to to the movies then to this flea market and then to this restaurant that I don't really remember "I replied

He came a little forward and started to check my temperature

"Ohoo por I'm not sick"I said and laughed

"No I wanted to be sure this is the first time in I don't know how long that you came home without a girl or drunk and well you don't seem like you've had any alcohol since you don't have a hangover .. ooi who are you and what have you done to my off " he replied and I just laughed at his childish behaviour

"Or are you in love or something ?" He added and looked straight into my eyes

My entire body was stilled and I just gave out a sheepish smile

Wrong move

"What are you on about I'm going to take a shower and and then lunch yes" I spoke while walking away towards my room

Meanwhile por just sat there shouting

"Ooo someone's in L O V E" like a teenage girl

I don't know who's the older one here exactly


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