chapter 20

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After the car incident luckily nothing that embarrassing happened throughout the day other than the fact that off kept on nagging me to call him papi

I wasn't even trying to say that what the hell he even went so far as to ignore me when I was calling him and only responding to papi .

This man is asking me to strangle him ... Papi

Okay Maybe I don't hate it as much as I say I do ...

"Earth to gun ?"

"Huh? Oh were you saying something ?" I asked new as we were in his car on the way back to my house

"Lost in your papi's dreams huh ?" He teased

"What no " I replied

"And I believe you and your blush " he replied and I cupped my face

"Ah I was meaning to ask you .. what's going on between you and off ? " He added

"What do you mean ?" I asked

"Don't play dumb gun .. clearly something's going on and I know for a fact that off likes you so spill" he asked and raised an eyebrow

"I can ask the same for you and Tay .. what's going on there " I asked back and saw that he had a slight blush

"Oh my god new you like him too ?" I added

"What no what I mean ... I don't know let's make a deal you tell me about your situation then I'll tell you about mine " he said

"Ah fine fine so ..." And I told him our situation not everything to be exact I kinda skipped our kiss because then I would have to tell him why exactly I kissed off

And that's not my story to tell

"So do you like him? I mean P'sunny was after you for ages and still nothing and.." He asked in a serious tone

"I don't know new I just feel differently about off I mean i feel different myself when I'm with him so yeah maybe I do like him it's all so new to me" I replied

"Hmm.. well I'm happy if you're happy" he spoke and I just have him a smile

"Ah ah now you when did everything start ?"

"Umm so.. it happend on the same day off confessed to you" he started


I've got to give Tay a ride home because off has to ask gun about giving him tuitions

Yeah right

"So does off like gun or something ?" I asked Tay and his neck snapped towards me

"Huh ? Yea-no I don't know" he rambled like a kid and I let out a chuckle

"Okay okay so why did you help him out to get some alone time with gun if you don't even know if he likes him or not ?" I asked

"Who said I was helping him?" He mumbled

"Huh? Then who were you helping?" I questioned

"Huh what ? When did I say anything ?" He again rambled and looked outside the window

"Why are you so confusing Tay? Are you helping yourself ? Huh? " I asked now all confused

"How would I help myself hehe what are you saying hehe" he replied

"Tell me what is going on or else you're walking " I said

"Um ahah you see ... "

*Your destination should be on the right*

Damn you gps

"Ahaha that's me see you in college new " he spoke and started fiddling with the seat belt

I grabbed his hand and looked  straight in his eyes

"Not so fast " I spoke

Our faces were quite close to one another

I saw his cheeks flush
Why is he blushing? .. huh he's quite good looking and he looks adorable with that blush

What am I thinking

"New " he finally spoke
And I just nodded

"You are gorgeous" he added while his face got closer to mine

And now I feel my cheeks blush

"Tay " I spoke and he hummed while his face got closer

"Do you like me ?" I added when his face was about an inch away

He pulled away and ouch why did I feel sad that he didn't just kiss me

New what is wrong with you

I got back to my original position

"Would you hate me if I did ?" He finally spoke

"Huh ?" I spoke and faced him

"New .. I do like you and before you say anything I know you got out of a relationship and I respect you and you can take as much time as you want I'm willing to wait but god I like you I mean I liked you the second i saw you with your jerk of a boyfriend
Eh how could someone cheat on an angle like you I mean look at~"

I just placed a kiss on his cheeks to shut him up

I mean he looks cute while rambling but I genuinely don't want to hear about P'Brian and me

He placed one of he hands on his cheeks

"You just .. um "

"Hehe you're cute . And thank you for liking me .. it's just that it wasn't even a week ago that I broke up with P'Brian and um I don't know if I want a relationship right now " I spoke

"I get it.. but I wasn't kidding when I said I'm willing to wait" he replied

"Ahah okay okay so ? What now ?" I asked

"So let's start off as friends .. also.. question." He asked and i just nodded

"Can I.. um.. court you? " He asked and i just blushed

Why am I blushing so much what the hell

"Ahem um .. I don't know sure I suppose" I replied

He just nodded and got out of the car

Outside I saw him jump and hoot a few fist bumps were thrown in the air too

I just sat in the car laughing at his childish behaviour

*End of flashback*

"Aahan ... So what now ?" I asked

"I don't know gun I don't want to rush into things because what if he feels like a rebound or something ?" Ne replied

"So you do like him " I spoke

"Is it bad that I do ?" He replied

"Oi new why would it be bad ? If you like him you like him" I replied

"Don't you think it's too soon ?"

"New it's on you to decide when you want to get into a relationship if you feel like the time is right then you go for it if you feel like you need more time then take more time do what you ant to do .." I replied

"Can I tell you something?" He asked and i just nodded

"I knew that P'Brian was cheating on me way way back... I just wanted to see if he would have enough guts to actually break up with me and that day when we went I wasn't really crying because I found out that he was cheating i was crying because he said he loved me he said that I was the world for him hah I was crying because if i didn't know about him cheating then I would have believed his beautiful lies , I'm sorry gun.. that I never listened to you " he spoke

I was always the one to tell new that he deserves better

"Oi new why are you making me cry huh ? " I spoke and we both ended up laughing


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