chapter 5

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Off (pov)

After that eventful first day

Me Tay and Arm met up at Tay's appartment to drink be because man this day was eventful

And it was the fucking first day oh I'm not sure if ill graduate first or if I'll go insane first

My bet's on going insane

" So you're tell me that this boy has gotten an upper hand on you?" Tay asked all amused while chugging his beer

I nodded

"Who is this kid that's gotten you all depressed ? Huh?" Arm asked

While being in the same college arm has a different course we are all highschool best friend we all bonde over being spoilt and rich

"His name is Gun atthaphan phunsawat right ?" Tay asked while looking into his phone

"Yes now can we stop talking about him for god sakes " I growled not wanting to hear his name right now

"Ooi peng I was just looking him up to show arm " he said while handing arm his phone

"Ohoo he's cute he looks harmless" arm said looking at the phone

I just let out a sarcastic laugh "absolutely harmless" I added

"He's got a mouth on him peng " Tay spoke

And arm just hummed

"His parents are divorced " arm suddenly spoke

I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him

"It says right here see" he said handing me the phone

I was reading the article when Tay called out

"Read it aloud I'm curious too"

I rolled my eyes and started to read

"Mr. and Mrs. Phunsawat of the GAP resorts are officially reported divorced , it is rumoured that Mr. Phunsawat cheated on his wife blah blah blah the court ruled in favour of Mr. Phunsawat for the custody of their only child Gun atthaphan phunsawat the furure hair of the GAP resorts but they the former couple have struck a deal to let Gun stay and with his mother once he's done with his highschool education blah blah blah
Oo this is interesting estimate net worth of Gun atthaphan phunsawat
Currently the sole hair of the GAP resorts and GA clothing is standing at a rough estimate of around a billion dollars
This is not including his own earnings from the hit app that the young genius created at the age of 17
What the fuck" I said as I read all of that

All of our eyes were left widened

"Dibs " arms suddenly spoke

Me and Tay gave him a questioning look

"What ? I would love to have a cute ass sugar daddy " he added

Me and Tay both Rolled our eyes

"Don't even think about it " I spoke

"Oo off do you want him for yourself ? But you're also pretty rich then who'd be the sugar daddy?" Tay joked and I just threw my bottle cap at him

With the phone still in my hand I rolled down a bit more on the page only to see a photo of the shorty

With the phone still in my hand I rolled down a bit more on the page only to see a photo of the shorty

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I quickly shut the phone off and threw is back to Tay

I zoned out for a while I didn't even hear what the other two were saying his photo kept popping into my head

"Ouch" I yelped when a bottle cap brought me back to the conversation

"What ?" I asked as I saw Tay waiting for someone

"Did you not listen to what I just told you" he asked and i shook my head no

"Ooi peng I asked if you wanted to make a bet ?" He spoke and I raised my brow

He knows that I never back down from a bet

"I'll give you my limited addition Gucci watch if" he paused

"If.." I questioned

"If you can make ai gun fall in love with you" he smirked

He thinks I won't do it because I hate that shorty

But when I said that I never back down from a bet I mean it and if that means that I'll get to have a new watch in my collection then why not

"Deal" I simply said and saw as his smile quickly lessened a bit

"Seriously ?" Both of them shouted at the same time

"Aahan it won't be that hard after all I'm the king of flirting sooner or later he'll come around" I replied with utter confidence and continued to chug my beer .

Arm glared at me

"What?" I asked now annoyed by his stare

"peng it's not good to bet on these things " arm said

"Oi arm don't ruin the fun na I promise I'll let him off easy after making him fall for me I'm mean but not that mean ... I think we'll see" I said and chuckled

"Fine whatever I want no part of this stupid bet " he said and finished his beer

Starting tomorrow atthaphan I'll make you fall knees deep for me


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