chapter 25

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New (pov)

If you ask me how that one kiss ended up with me straddling him and kissing him mindlessly ... I'd say I done know either

But here I am moaning as our toungs fought for dominance

"New" he spoke breathless as we pulled apart to take a breath

I put my forehead o his and just waited for him to speak

"I don't know if I'd be able to control myself" he added

I just Hmmed and kissed him again .. I shouldn't be doing this he's drunk ...

Oh it's too late now because I just felt him lifting me up I only supposed to take me to the bed all the while we were still kissing

And I was correct

He dropped me on the bed and hovered over me we both had lust blinding us

He started to showering my neck with bunch of kisses making my brain go haywire oh man this feels so good

"Take off your shirt already" I thought

"Ahah sorry kinda got busy" he spoke .. fuck did i speak my thoughts out ?!

He quickly got up with him now straddling me and took off his shirt

I was practically oogling his body when I heard a chuckle making me flushed for being caught

He then proceeded to help me with my shirt

"Wow " he spoke as he now oogling me .

"Stop it I feel shy" I spoke and covered my face

I can feel him lean down and attack my neck again making me a moaning mess my hands now grabbing onto his hair

He stopped looked up and gave me a passionate kiss

Then again proceeded to gave many butterfly kisses all down chest and started to go lower till he reached my plant's waist band

Our eyes met as he was taking his time with my pants he started to palm my length through the layers making me groan in desperation

I pulled him up and pushed him down to switch our position now I was on top and in one swift move I took off his pants along with his boxers making him gasp and throw his head back

I moved to kiss him while my hands kept on massaging his length

His hands also moved to remove my remaining clothes now we both were completely rid of all our clothes

He switched our position again and started playing with my length making me a moaning mess while I did the same for him .

He suddenly pushed himself off and walked to his side table

"I have vaseline .. will it work?" He asked and i just nodded

He got back on top now wearing a condom he lathered vaseline onto his length and got back to kissing me

"Ahh you need to prepare me before inserting it idiot" I screamed as I felt him inside making me yell in pain

"Oh sorry sorry ill~"

"Just keep going don't remove it now " I cut him off and he just nodded

I grabbed his neck and pulled him towards me to kiss him because I need a fucking distraction

"Ahh fuck that feels so good" I moaned letting go off his lips

I feel so full god this feels so ahh

" You can move now " I added now feeling comfortable with him inside

And that is what he did

We both were moaning eachothers name like our life depended on it

"I'm close ah ah Tay I'm I'm" I stuttered as I felt pressure down there

"Ahhhh fuck ah" we both moaned in unison as we both reached our orgasm at almost the same time

He cleaned me up as I layed there now completely exhausted

He cleaned everything up and layed down beside me now cuddling with me

I don't even know when I fell asleep in his embrace but I did


"Fuck ." I spoke out as soon as I woke I looked at the man sleeping besides me

"Did I actually take advantage of a drunk ?" Groaned

I quickly got up and put on my clothes that were spread all across the floor

I looked around for a note pad and quickly wrote

"Hey ,
I'm heading home first
I'll see you in school "

That seems right

Yeah totally

I rushed home I freshened up

Arghhhhh how can you do this new he was drunk he

I took advantage of him fuckk
Argh he's going to hate me what am I suppose to do ?! GUN!!! He'd help me

I took out my phone and rang up gun

*Ring ring*

Ahhh pick uppp

"Gun I slept with him " I spoke as soon as I heard the call connect

"Meet me at Amma's cafe in half an hour na " I added and ended the call

I put my phone back in my pocket and headed out


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