chapter 13

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Off (pov)

"Oo is P'sunny coming ?" New said teasingly

And as if on cue me and gun both looked at each other

So it's been q few days since me and gun called it a truce because of Tay and New

We'll ever since then we all decided it's better to start off as friends so now we are usually seen hanging out together and having lunch together

New and gun also met arm the other day and well almost instantly hit it off

Now coming back to the current situation

P'sunny really ?

"Hm yeah he is" gun said in a hushed tone and again looked up to meet my eyes

Did he actually give into him ? Did he say yes to the "trial round"

Wait why do I care ?

"Who's this P'sunny?" Tay asked being the oblivious man he is who only cares for new

"Ooi I told you guys about him na ? Remember ?" New whined

"So you two ? Dating ?" I asked in a slight irritated voice before Tay could ask anything more

"Ohoo gun yeah are you ? Please tell me you are that poor guy has been at it for so long , you know once gun was mad at P'sunny about something and p' asked foe his forgiveness for like a month and it was only after that gun forgave him" new rambled

My eyes widened when I realised that gun hadn't told new about what that bastard did did he not tell anyone

I looked at gun only to see him looking at me with pleading eyes

"Umm new that enough na , also no we aren't dating "gun spoke while looking straight into my eyes

"I told him no. And this if the last time he'll ask " He added and some how that made me feel so happy

I gave out a smile but wait

"So why is he coming ?" I asked again annoyed

That guy needs to know what no means

"Because he wanted to go on a fake date with me just to know what that would be like " gun again spoke in a hushed tone

"He says that after today he promises to not ask me out ever again " he added

"Ooi gun that's so sad " new now spoke and gun nodded

"But new I genuinely don't have any feelings for him and I don't want to give him any false hopes but even doing the trial round thing" gun replied while facing new and new nodded in agreement

Infact we all nodded

I even let out a little satisfactory smile

Suddenly gun's phone started to ring and now all the attention was on to him

"Hello , are you here ?
Oh I'll be right there p'
Khap but where exactly are we going ?
Whatt ? P' thats too expensive ah ah I'll be right out "

Where is he taking him ?

He ended the call and started to pack up his things

He waved us all goodbye and started to walk away

My eyes were still on him I couldn't even be bothered to listen to the other two on the table when I suddenly got up to follow gun

"Where are you going peng ?" Tay asked and i just shrugged

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