chapter 19

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Third person (pov)

The following few weeks off and gun would often be seen together

Let me rephrase

Off would follow gun wherever he went like a puppy
He went as far as joining all the same societies as gun .

Gun has always been interested in cooking and baking so he joined the culinary club and off was there too , and because of gun's coding past he also joined the software design and development club and surprise surprise off was there too .

Even off's dad commented on his son's choice of clubs

"Umm off ? So I was checking on what clubs you chose "off's dad commented while eating his breakfast

"And ?" He asked

"I never knew you were interested in cooking or software design" he asked and gave out a sheepish smile

"Well it's good to explore" he replied

"Ooi I'm getting late see you na bye bye " off added and rushed out

"Ohoo I need to meet this girl who's making my son get up early.. and actually go to college I need to personally thank her" off's dad spoke to himself

Off struck a deal with Tay and New to let him drive gun around and they readily agreed so now he gets to pick gun up and drop him off its only on days when Arm also decides to join when he is not able to drop gun off

The situation is almost similar with Tay and New the only difference is that they both joined eachothers favourite sport clubs

"He's everywhere" gun whined while ranting to his mom over breakfast

"Aww puppy is not leaving you alone " him mae replied

His mom started calling off puppy since he's been behaving like one because of this sometimes gun almost calls him puppy

"It's so annoying mae" he whined

"I don't think you are getting annoyed gunnie because everyday when he" *ting* her sentance was cut off

"Ooi he's here I gotta go mae love you" he said and rushed out

"When he text's you he's here your face lights up .. ah boy you don't even know you're in love" she finished her sentance with a sigh and got back to her food


Gun (pov)

We were on our way to college

"Oh gun today arm is taking us out so I won't drop you off " he said while still looking straight onto the road and I just hummed

"Sorry na he said that we haven't hung out properly for so long so he wants us to go out" he added in a whiny tone and looked towards me before looking straight ahead again

"Ooi why are you apologizing off ?! Just don't drink too much" I replied and gave out a genuine smile

"But but we won't be able to see eachother for 3 days " he again whined

So after that talk off and his Father had his por has made it his agenda to plan a father son weekend to which he at first disagreed on .. I might have said something to change that

Okay fine I scolded him and told him I won't talk to him if he didn't try to make up for lost time like his por wants

So for the past few weekends they've been fishing , rock climbing and this week they are going camping

"That's alright " I replied

"Aau it's not gun I'll miss you" he whined and gave me puppy doe eyes

"You're cute papi" I spoke without really thinking

"What did you call me ?" He asked and my eyes widened

"Nothing" I said as my cheeks we're now completely flushed

"You called me papi?"

"No I said puppy "

"It sounded more like papi, wait why did you call me puppy ?" He asked now all amused

"Because you're like a little puppy" I spoke in a slight whisper

I suddenly felt his one hand pulling my cheeks and I just yellped

"Ooi what was that for ?" I asked rubbing my cheeks

"You're adorable ooi I'm already whipped why are you making me fall more huh? " He whined

I was stilled my cheeks red and my eyes fixed on one point on my lap

I felt the car come to a stop we're here oh thank god

"I like papi " suddenly I felt him whisper into my ear

"I'd like to be your papi" he added in a husky tone

I didn't dare to look at him when I heard him Chuckle and ruffle my hair

My face must be looking like a tomato

Ooi this man will be the death of me

I wanted to write about Tay New
But clearly I got carried away


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