chapter 29

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Gun (pov)

"Some people are trying to sleep you horny basterds " me and papi stopped what we were doing when we heard arm yell

"Did he hear~"

"Ahh tay faster~" I stopped speaking when heard New's faint voice from the other side followed by the sounds of bed creaking

Me and papi bursted out laughing he then Just popped his head on my chest and let out a groan

Since now clearly it wasn't the best time to do the hanky Panky

"So cuddling ?" I asked and let out a laugh

He just nodded and moved about to become the big spoon while I just nuzzled up into his chest


"You two kept me up all night " arm whined and pointed his fork towards Tay and New over breakfast

"New do you need water ? Or something your face looks like a tomato" I teased a bit making new grow even more red if that's even possible

"Oi I fucking told you not here but noo you have to do whatever you want " New whined and started to hit Tay making everyone else laugh

Tay quickly apologized and glared at arm for making new angry to which arm only shrugged

"Ah ah enough now eat New " I intervened

The rest of the day was pretty fun we walked around the market for a while
Me and new practically had a shopping spree and the entire day Tay kept on apologizing to new new only gave in once we were on the beach to swim and just lay about

After we had our dinner we all gathered around the front patio we were all just laying around on the beach chairs drinking beer and talked about random things

Me and papi shared one chair with me laying on top of him as he just ran his hands on my back

"Ah ah Tay did you give off the watch ? See clearly he won" arm spoke in a bit sloppy tone clearly he's a bit drunk

Won what ?

I looked at papi who now looked kinda panicked

"What watch papi ? What did you win ?" I asked and looked at him

"Tay?" New asked

Tay looks Hella guilty

I pushed myself up to get a clear look at off

"Arm ? What are you talking about ?" I asked while still looking at off

"It was a stupid bet gun its nothing" off spoke still looking a bit agitated

I don't like his reactions what the hell are you hiding off

I pushed myself off of him completely

"What was the bet . And don't try to lie ." I spoke in a calm tone

"To make youuu fwall for him *hic*" arm spoke now completely drunk

What did he say ?

" What ?" I asked and off stood up and held me by my shoulders

"Gun it was a stupid bet it mea~"

"So us was just some stupid bet. Oh " I replied trying to keep myself from crying

I shoved him away and started to walk to our room with tears rolling down

"Gun no I didn't mean that gun I love y~"

"Stop it off you clearly won the bet so you can stop pretending now enjoy you new watch I hope you cherish it " I screamed

"Gun please listen to me na I promise to you I'm not pretending I never was pleas don't leave na " he cried

I didn't say anything just continued packing when he hugged me from behind

"Please gun I'm sorry it's really not like that gun I love you please please" he cried making me stop my movements

"The only reason we were ever a thing was because of a bet are you sure you love me or are you just confused." I replied Wiggled out of his hold

I grabbed my luggage and walked out only to see new standing with his bags as soon as we walked out I bursted out crying and new just held me close trying to make me stop

Change of plans
I couldn't help but update


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