chapter 28

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Gun (pov)

After we all agreed to go to my beach house I asked por to get it cleaned which he very happy agreed to

We planned to go there over the weekend since arm has prior plans with his family for the holidays he's going to a different province to stay with his sister

Also I need to go back home too since por is going abroad for a few months so he asked me to come and stay with him for a few days and I he left me no choice but to agree to him

But papi did ask me to go somewhere with him just the two of us after I come back

"So me and gun in one room and Tay and New in one ?" Papi spoke as soon as we reached the beach house bringing me out of my thoughts

"And what about your dear friend arm?" Arm spoke and pouted

Making me let out a pity chuckle

"Um arm there are only two rooms ah maybe me and new can sare a room and you three can share one room " I replied making everyone but arm pout in disappointment

Even new.

"Ah ah ah y'all can have your rooms I'll take the living room now stop pouting also gun thank you for the offer " he replied and I just smiled

"Were you really going to give up staying together in one room?" Papi asked as soon as we walked into the master bedroom

I swiftly turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my chin on his chest and looked up towards him

"Hehe he would have never said yes papi .. I was just being polite he is my guest after all" I replied

"Plus it's our first vecation together how could I not stay with you and miss out on all night cuddling" I added

He leaned down to give me a kiss and I slightly tip toed to make it easier

He pulled back a bit enough to talk

"Only cuddling ?" He asked a bit breathless

"We'll see what happens" I replied and pushed up a bit to capture his lips again

We stayed in that position for a while not really kissing but just holding onto eachother till new called us to get food  ah I fucking love this man even the simplest things like hugging makes my heart flutter


Oh fuck I love him ..


After we got food we all decided unanimously that we'll rest up for now and go to the beach at night

So that's what we did somehow we all ended up falling asleep I suppose we all were really tired

Tay was the first one up so he woke everyone up

I had called before had for our staff to set up a little dining area on the beach so we had our dinner there

And now we were all sitting on the shore just admiring the view

With Tay and New right beside each other and me just inbetween papi's legs

I was practically completely caged by him and I ain't complaining

"Tomorrow let's go around the market na " I spoke all excited And they all agreed

When we got back to the house everyone went to their respective rooms

Papi went to check on the doors and everyone

while I was by myself I unconsciously walked out into the little patio that looked out towards the ocean

I've always loved the ocean it's so calming

"When did you come in ?" I asked papi as I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind

He placed a little kiss on my neck making me laugh

"Ooi stop that I'm ticklish" I whined while turning back to look at him

He was all smiles himself

I wrapped my hands around his neck for better support

"Gun I know I don't say this alot but you mean so much to me it's scary" he spoke and leaned down to kiss me

"Papi... I love you" I replied and his eyes widened

My heart is going to explode is he not going to say it back ? What fuck fuck

He leaned forward and started to kiss me his hands wondering all over my body making me moan

He boosted me up and carried me towards the bed all the while continuing the kiss

My body felt like it was on fire every touch made me moan

He pulled back a bit to look at me

"Papi..." I spoke a bit unsure

"Gun I love you so damn much you have no clue " he spoke making my heart beat 10 times faster

I pulled him down to continue our kiss.

He started to move down a bit to my neck this is the first time I don't feel ticklish instead his kisses gave me so much pleasure

God I could just combust


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