chapter 4

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Gun (pov)

After class me and New were heading to the canteen when suddenly I heard my name on the intercom

"Gun atthaphan roll number 398 first semester section A please make your way to the principal's office"

Both me and New were equally confused we  looked
At each other

"You go ahead I'll see what's going on I'll see you in the next class I suppose" I said as I started to make my way towards the principal's office

On my where there I heard some murmurs form the other students something like oh "he's the guy poor him

"Do you think he really didn't know ?"

I'm so confused man and hearing all that made me even more confused

I opened the door as the assistant sitting right outside suggested I should just walk in

The first face I saw what that of the tall guy who's all smiles sitting on this royal looking arm chair

Yeah the one I might have instigated a bit this morning

Don't tell me his dad's the principal

I pushed that thought away and stood infront of the principal

"Sir you wanted to see me ?" I asked in the most  courteous way possible

"Ah yes mister.."

"phunsawat sir" I completed his sentence

I saw his eyes widen with the realisation that he's talking to the son of this college's biggest and only funding

"Oh are you by any chance.."

"Yes sir I am " I again finished his sentence

I'm not usually so disrespectful to adults but this situation is different

I'm not being that disrespectful am i ?

"I suppose you've met my son " he asked changing the topic and trying to calm his nerves down

"Por what's going on kick him out already" the pole of a human spoke

"Off jumpol stop it right there, this is the last time I'm listening to you like this the first time was okay because the boy was a senior and he was notorious for bullying but not this time I'm sure that this young boy has done nothing to you" his father spoke making his face grow red in anger

But before he could say anything his father decided to cut him off

"I'm sorry from his side son , if you won't mind i need to head out " he said to me and I just gave him a warm smile and nodded

He made his was out of the room and my eyes followed him

"What the fuck was that ?" The pole spoke again and I just turned my face towards him

"Maybe do your research before trying to get the son of this college's biggest and only funder in trouble" I said as I made my way towards him

His face turned pale

I placed both my hands on either of the arm rests and moved my face closer towards him

"Funny that such a big guy like you had to run to his daddy for help the second someone hurts your little feelings " I Said in almost a mocking whisper

"I-i don't always~" he stuttered and I just let out a chuckle

I pushed myself up and ruffled his hair

Don't ask me why I just wanted to

I just walked away and went straight to the canteen all smiles

Rest of the day I just received a few funny faces along with a bunch of girls giving me this look as if I kissed their man right infront of them .

God I didn't think that I'll recieve to much attention on the first day

Fuck it's only been the first day


Off (pov)

I was waiting on the arm chair for the shorty to come in and be completely destroyed by my father

But when he actually arrive everything went south

Por got angry at me for getting the shorty in trouble

And he even apologized to him for my behavior

"What the fuck was that ?" After he walked out I voiced my inner thought and gun looked at me when he heard me and gave out a smirk

"Maybe do your research before trying to get the son of this college's biggest and only funder in trouble" he spoke and walked towards me

Fuck my life

So he's untouchable

My face turned pale

He placed both of his hands on either of the arm rests and moved his face closer to me

No no no no no

"Funny that such a big guy like you had to run to his daddy for help the second someone hurts your little feelings " he Said in almost a whisper

Somethings wrong

That whispering just made my hair on my neck stand

"I-i don't always~" I stuttered and he just let out a chuckle

Why am I stuttering now what is this man doing to me

He pushed himself up and ruffled my hair and my heart did something weird

I'm stuck with him through out college right

Well there goes my sanity .

He makes me so angry


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