chapter 24

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New (pov)

I was just doing my homework when my phone rang

Tay? Isn't he out clubbing ? I hate the idea of him going to drink at this time but his friends forced him to

"Hello" I spoke as I picked up the phone

"Newwie "he screamed making me flinch

"What do you want Tay ?" I asked a bit annoyed because this man is drunk I don't want to have a conversation with a drunk

"Aau why so meannn , ah ah could you come over?" He asked in a childish tone

"Huh ? No I won't" I replied

"Plewse I misss youu" he spoke again in a childish tone making me smile at his cuteness

"You saw me in college Tay " I replied trying to control my smile

"I did but I won't see yo~ oww what the" he ended the statement with a cry for help

"Hello ? Tay what happened ? Are you okay ? " I asked in a panic


"Hello ? Tayy " I asked again now in panic


And with that the call ended I quickly got up and rushed out to see if Tay is okay why drink so much that you can't handle it

And with that I reached his condo I've been here once and that was when he forced me to eat with him because he bought too much food.

.. I didn't really mind it though

I knocked .. wait if something happened then how would he~

"It's open " he yelled from inside and with that I let myself in

Only to find him in his kitchen chopping something

"What the hell you're fine ?" I exclaimed his neck snapped up to look at me

"You came fuck shit" he replied and put his finger in his mouth

He cut himself great I quickly rushed over to see what happened

"Could you be any more careless ?" I snapped while examining his cut

This idiot managed to cut him self pretty deep now the blood was oozing everywhere

I quickly Cleaned the wound. With a bit of water and brought him over to the couch

"Where's your first aid kit ?" I asked and looked up at him .. he was just staring at me and smiling like an idiot

"Bathroom " he replied not taking his eyes off of me and not taking that smile off

I just rushed to get the first aid and quickly put some antibiotic ointment on the wound and then Covered it

After doing all that I finally looked up again only to find him still smiling and looking at me

"What ?" I asked a bit annoyed

"How are you so beautiful" he replied and I just looked at him

He's making my heart beat so fast oh god

We both now we're looking at eachother

"You're still drunk" I replied

"That I am but still god you're so so breathtaking " he replied

I dated P'Brian for 4 years and never once had he said something like this sober or drunk

"I think I should leave you need to rest " I said and started to get up when he just grabbed my hand making me look at him again

He gave me puppy doe eyes as he looked up

Oho why are you acting cute ?! It's hard for me to control my emotions in general

"Did I make you uncomfortable ? I'm sorry I didn't mean to I'll I'll" he rambled as I took a seat again

"You didn't .. Tay " I spoke making him stop speaking

"So so so could you stay for a while " he said looking around again using the childish voice

I let out a slight Chuckle at his behaviour

"Ah ah I'll stay for a while only because I'm scared that you'll hurt yourself again" I replied that just made him look at me again

"What ?" I asked

"Hehe you're not good for my heart oho you'll make me die of happiness " he replied and I just glared at him what is he on about ?

"Hehe you care for me hehe oho don't do it too much I won't be able to handle myself " he added

"Why do you like me ?" I asked after a while

He just looked at me

"What's there not to like ? You're the most caring I mean last week I saw you feeding gun when he was too involved with his software design thingy you're smart oh boy too smart sometimes I feel I'm not good enough well.. I don't think I am because Im not good at studies nor am I good at spo~"


He gasped as I placed a little peck on his lips

He then proceeded to slap his lips and himself in disbelief

And I couldn't help but laugh

"You um." He stuttered and I just leaned over to capture his lips again this time for a deeper kiss rather than a weak peck


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