chapter 2

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Gun (pov)

"ooi gunnie wake up you're going to be late on your first day god this boy is New coming to pick you up or do you want me to drop you" mae rambled as soon as she got into my room

I just got up and rubbed my eyes open

"Good morning to you too mae" he spoke clearly still sleepy

"Good morning baby" she replied after taking a deep breath

"New will come pick me up thank you for the offer though " I said as I picked up my towel and clothing and made my way to the bathroom

"Oh okay now quickly take a shower I'll be waiting downstairs I already made breakfast" she replied

"Okayy" I shouted form behind the closed door

After I took a shower and got ready I got down

"Ooi no" mae said as soon as I stood infront of her and I just gave her a questioning look

"Gunnie put some effort into your outfit , you look adorable no doubt but its your first day you should make all the kids head turn " she said and i just looked down on my outfit

"Gunnie put some effort into your outfit , you look adorable no doubt but its your first day you should make all the kids head turn " she said and i just looked down on my outfit

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"Ooi mae I'm not going to impress anyone I'm going to college " I whined

"Gunnie you are my son I can't let you walk out like this " she spoke as if she was hurt but then let out a chuckle

"Please" she said and gave me puppy doe eyes

And i just nodded there's no point trying to convince her otherwise

"Ooi mae isn't this trying too hard " I whined as I saw my outfit in the mirror

"Ooi mae isn't this trying too hard " I whined as I saw my outfit in the mirror

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"Nonsense now let's get breakfast" she said and walked away

After breakfast I walked out infront of the house to as new was already here

"Ohoo gun you didn't give me the memo that we are dressing up today " he said as he raised one of his eyebrows

Says the guy who looks bomb

"Shut up new mae made me okay also what about you huh ? Don't lie to me and say that you casually put this on" I replied and he just laughed and pinched my cheeks

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"Shut up new mae made me okay also what about you huh ? Don't lie to me and say that you casually put this on" I replied and he just laughed and pinched my cheeks

"Ah ah maybe I did so what it's our first day of college I wanna make a good impression " he replied and looked straight ahead

The rest of the car ride we just talked about random things


Me and new took the last seat in the class because socialising and us they are not usually used in the same sentence

Don't get me wrong we love to make friends but it's just that we are never the one to start any conversation .

Anyways sitting here I already scanned the place there are a few students that I would particularly like to stay away from

Like the stoned kids who are in the extreme corner of the class I mean guys it's so early to be so high.

And this really beautiful girl and her little pasi who just rolled their eyes for the 20th time for no apparent reason oh and have huge Starbucks drinks ookay that's not my cup of tea oh also the guys who are talking to these girls .

One of the guy who is also talking to the beautiful girl is just too tall he looks a good foot taller than me oof and the other tanner guy has news built

"So you love me then huh" suddenly the girl spoke in an almost seductive voice to the tall guy and the guy just nodded and started kissing her neck

I let out a pity chuckle and involuntarily also rolled my eyes

When I looked at them again the guy was looking right at me

I don't want trouble god please

Aaand he's walking towards me great

God he looks taller all up close and personal

"You got a problem with us ?" He asked in almost a yelling tone

I just shrugged

He slammed his hand on my table and brought his face closer to mine

"Woah buddy you got your girlfriend right there " I spoke before he got any closer and smerked

The entire class erupted into "oo's and ahh's" and a few "oh dang's"

" Do you even know who you're talking to ?" He spoke

" I've been here a total of... 45 minutes so no I don't" I replied

"Oh you soon will" he replied he was about to say more when the door suddenly opened and the teacher walked in and he moved back to his seat not before giving me the most stinkiest of the eyes and I just smiled showing off my dimples in all their glory

"Your witty attitude will never leave you will it ?" New whispered and I just shook my head

"Ah how I've missed you like this .. oo this'll be fun" he said and he looked like a child slightly clapping his hands and I just chuckled a bit

Okay maybe this'll be fun afterall


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