chapter 30

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Off (pov)

I sat in the empty room for hours it seems like just crying my eyes out

After a while I finally had enough energy to get up and walk out

I walked to were we all were gathered around initial where gun was all cuddled up with me before this idiot started his drunk talk

I was glaring at him

I swear I could kill him

"Don't " Tay's sudden voice brought me back he was also sitting there drinking his beer

I looked at him in confusion while taking a seat

"Don't kill him you know how he gets when he's drunk . It's not his fault it's ours to ever make that stupid bet " he added after seeing me confused

"Did new ?"

"Yup he left too after breaking up because I hurt his best friend and I couldn't even argue back " he spoke and let out a painful sigh

"We're complete assholes aren't we hurting the people we love " I replied

"Gun is the first person who ever made my heart explode with happiness and he's the one who helped me fix things between me and por and what do I do. Hurt him Tay seeing him cry like that made me wanna rip my heart out "I added and wiped off the tears that were rolling down my face

"Off when did your hate b.." Tay spoke after I calmed down a bit

I let out a sad chuckle

"I never hated him " I replied and he gave me a confused look

"You tried to kick him out of college I mean.." he replied

"Tay the first day I saw him na my heart went haywire and the idiot that I am thought that it was because I disliked him even hated him I've liked girls all my life and now suddenly this guy starts to make me feel this way made me confused "

"So when ? "

"When he kissed me " I replied and practically started dreaming of our first kiss

"When did you kiss ?" Tay brought me back

"Um ahem you don't need to know that "

"Aau ? I'm your best friend come on ?!" He whined

"Anyways when that happened no all my confusion was gone I knew that I would do anything to keep him by my side I thought that I had to protect him from that P'sunny because he's a friend but nope now I can say I really disliked P'sunny because I was jealous of how much he claimed to know gun "I added and let out a laugh

"Why protect him from P'sunny what did he do ?" Tay asked

"You don't need to know that either " I replied and he just pouted

"But it doesn't matter now I messed up Tay what am I suppose to do ?" I cried

"Apologized.  If they don't listen then keep on apologizing if you truly love him then don't give up on him " Tay spoke and started to chug his beer

So did I

We sat there in silence and I don't know when we fell asleep on those stupid beach chairs


Arm (pov)

I woke up with a bad headache And the second I woke up Tay pulled me inside the house

"Ooi what are you doing ?!" I exclaimed

"I don't want you to be infront of off the second he wakes up he might try to kill you " he replied while looking back at our sleeping friend

"Why would he kill me ?" I questioned

"After what your drunk ass did last night I would kill you too but I'm controlling myself" he spoke and I couldn't help but be more confused

And then he started to narrate last nights activities

Fuck my drunk ass

How the hell did i manage to sleep though all of that ?!

"Fuck Tay I'm so sorry I didn't mean to what can i do?"

"You can't do anything it's me and off who need to beg for forgiveness now just pack your stuff I already packed mine I'll start packing off's things we'll leave as soon as he get up " he said and i just nodded


We all were standing Infront of the door wait for Tay to confirm the cab booking

"Um off.."

"Stop it im still mad if you say you're sorry or that it was an accident then I might just strangle you so stop." He cut me off and I just nodded

Fuck he's mad mad


Suddenly my phone rang I just fished it out of my pocket

"It's gun" I spoke without thinking

"What ?! What did he say ?" Off asked

Even Tay looked up from his phone

"Um.. he thanked me for telling him the truth " I spoke in a whisper

"Did he reach home okay ?" Off asked with sadness laced in every word

"He did.." I replied once gun replied

"How is he ?"

" He's fine um.. he knows that you're making me ask him things he's asking you to stop " I spoke

I didn't have to be so honest fuck I could have just lied

Can I do something right ?!

I saw offs eyes moisten he just nodded and walked out


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