chapter 12

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Gun (pov)

"Hm.. your secret's safe with me "

Why is this stuck in my head ?!
Ooi get it out

I was making breakfast for everyone and my hangover juice I've learnt to make the perfect remedy because P'Brian thought it was a good idea to take an underaged new to every party he went to

And obviously I went with him because I knew that P'Brian would never take care of new and I was usually right

Every single time I would be the one ~

"Those are gonna burn shorty" off said while being really close to my ear

So close that it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and made me jump

I decided not to turn back because with the close proximity it'll be just like what happened this morning

How the hell did i end up like the koala when it started the other way around

"Ohoo gun why are you so lost ? " He added

"I I I'm not lost just go I'll bring everything out once it's done " I replied now paying full attention to the eggs that are cooking

"Ah ah I'll take everything else na you bring the eggs soon" he replied and took the toast and the juice

Soon the eggs and bacon were done so I brought them out

Everyone was already seated with Tay and New holding their heads in their hands and groaning

Meanwhile off was just chuckling looking that the others

"Oi off you also drank a lot do you not get a hangover ?" New asked annoyed

"Nope not really" off replied while taking a piece of toast

"Don't sweat it new he's got a really High tolerance level for Hangovers he rarely get em it's only when he unleashes the devil and that's usually over the weekends " Tay replied and took a sip of the juice

"Ah ah enough talking now everyone just eat and go take a bath and get ready or else we'll be late for college " I decided to speak

After breakfast everyone took turns taking a shower

Tay and New were the fist to finish and after I finished getting ready i headed to where off was because I need to talk to him about the whole Tay new situation

I walked into the guest room and he walked out of the bathroom only wearing a towel

It didn't really bother me but he screamed and turned around and I couldn't help but chuckle

"Oi gun what are you doing here ?!?! Oh god dont tell me you wan"

"Ay off shut up I just wanted to talk to you about Tay new " I cut him off before he could say some random nonsense

"Huh ? What about them ?" I said while putting on a t-shirt

"Your friend likes new does he not ?" I asked

"Um well yeah look if you're going to disappro"

"I'm not going to disapprove who am I to do that ? Plus I quite like your friend but just remember this if he hurts new in any way then I won't let him live in peace "I spoke and took a step closer to him and he just nodded in agreement

"Ah anyways if they are going to be spending time together I suppose we would have to too so let's call it a truce "I said and put my hand out for a truce handshake

"So you're saying that we'll be friends ?" He asked all confused while taking my hand

"I suppose so " I replied and started to walk out

"So as friends can I say something " he said making me stop my steps
I just gave him a look urging him to continue

"Don't say yes to P'sunny " he said a bit louder than a whisper

"Why ?" I replied in a soft voice

His eyes widened before replying to me

"What do you mean why that guy tried to force himself on you while drunk how can you say that he won't do something like that again ? Huh ? Plus if you guys are dating-dating he use that as a reason to do something to you and then what ?" He rambled

I couldn't help but smile a bit while he was rambling

"I'll think about it " I simply said and walked out

Why do you care off ?

Why ?

I thought as I stood outside his door for a few minutes

Why did his concern make me feel all giddy inside


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