chapter 9

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Off (pov)

We're now in the car heading back and there's this awkwardness between me and gun

I suppose that would happen after what happened


"Then go on a date with me "

"What the fuck?" P'sunny spoke and held me by my collar

"P' let him go" gun now decided to speak

"Don't tell me gun you'd say yes to him because you owe him one " he said now all annoyed

"Aau why not ? He has to keep his word" I replied with a smirk

"Shut up off " gun spoke again

" I do owe you one but chose another thing to ask for " he added

"Nope this is what I want " I whined

"You heard him nong don't bother him" P'sunny now spoke and smirked

"So gunnie what about me ?" He asked with high hopes

Why does he have to call him gunnie
I don't like it

"P' I'll give you an answer later just let me have some time to think " he said and gave a genuine smile with dimples and all

What the hell why does he have to smile like that ?

"Seriously wohooo gun if you choose to agree I promise you won't regret it " P'sunny said and gave him a hug

"Aau nong I've gotta go I've got class I'll text you no I'll call you tonight bye bye " he added and rushed the other direction and my eyes followed him

When I looked back I saw gun staring at me

"What ? " I asked

"You know what , what the hell was that ? Huh ? Go on a date with you ? Yesterday you tried to have your por get me out of the college now what ? Wanna get revenge by trying to emotionally hurting me ? " he scolded

And I gaped

Fuck .

"Hah I knew it get a job off other than trying to hurt me maybe you'll make something of yourself" he added and started to walk away while shoving me a little

*End of flashback*

After that conversation he has not looked my way what's so ever and the accidental eye contacts just end with him giving me a death glare

"Let's go to a bar na gun I wanna get wasted" new suddenly spoke in between the awkward silence

"New it's a Tuesday we are not getting wasted " gun replied

"Please na na na" new whined

"Ah ah okay but lets stay at home mae went to a meeting she'll be back on Thursday so you can come over okay?" Gun said and again smiled with dimples and all

What's with this guy and giving into new's requests

"Can we join ?" Tay asked



Gun and new spoke together

"Aau gun let them no only us two would be so sad " new whined

"Its usually the two of us new " he replied

"Yes and that too at your dad's bar that place is packed come on please " new whined again

"Ah ah fine fine" gun replied

"So should I go to your house directly or the college to get new's car ? Or what ?" I asked

"Ummm I would suppose you all will need a change of clothing tomorrow I'm not letting anyone drive drunk so drop me and new at the college and meet let's all meet at my house in an hour ?" Gun replied and we all agreed


After dropping them at the college me and Tay took our Change of cloths and headed to the adress gun gave

"So. Tay " I spoke grabbing his attention

"Do you idk happen to like new ?" I casually asked and his eyes widened

He's blushing too

"Oh my god you do ?! What ? When ?" I asked now shocked

" Do you remember I told you guys about this angel I saw the one who's laugh was so beautiful who's smile was the best thing I'd ever seen ?" He asked

"I thought you were talking about a girl" I replied

"Um well nope. It was him he was with that cheating boyfriend of his I thought they were friends how could someone cheat on him god I don't understand  that man" Tay ranted and I let out a chuckle

"So what are you planning on doing ?" I asked

"I'm going to see where it goes I mean he just got out of a relationship I'll just wait until he's ready" he replied and I nodded

Oo he really likes him because Tay has never been so gentle and so caring towards any of his ex's heck I bet he doesn't remember half of them

And one look at new made him fall head over heels for this boy


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