chapter 11

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Gun (pov)

I picked up my phone from the side table to see who's calling

And it's P'sunny before I could even pick it up off took my phone our of my hand and pressed accept

Luckily because of his drunken state he also Pressed the speaker too

"Hey gunnie" P'sunny spoke

"Why the hell do you call him gunnie I don't like it " off replied while I struggled to get my phone back

"Hello ? Gun ?" I could hear the confusion through the phone

I was finally able to get my phone back before off could say anything

"P' I'll call you tomorrow na I've gotten guest over and they are all drunk so I'm taking care of them bye bye " I didn't give him time to reply I just hung up

"What was that off ?" I asked all annoyed

"Why does he have to call you gunnie I don't like it " he whined

Aw he's a cute drunk

I shook my head trying to get that thought out of my head

"Off it's late now go to sleep " I said and slid down into my blanket

I was still thinking about what exactly happened so basically I opened up to off about everything something I haven't done with new and I don't mind it

Because he opened up too I suppose we could be ~

"Ooi what are you doing off " I screamed when I felt his hands wrapped around my waist and his chest now completely plastered on my back

We were spooning and I'm the little spoon what the hell

"You said go to sleep na" he replied again with a kiddish voice

I turned back to look at him only to see him giving me puppy doe eyes

"Off go to your room "

"Please I wanna cuddle " he replied

I let out a big sigh

"Ah ah but let go of me " I don't want to fight him

The second he heard he could stay his face lit up like a kid

He let go of me but still remained quite close to me

What's up with him till this morning he wanted to hurt me but the second he had a few shots he's all over me

I suppose we could be friends he's not that bad

He's also pretty emotionally scared



Ooi where am I ?
Oh yeah we decided to get drunk at gun's hou~

Why am I with him in his bed one of his hand is draped across my chest and our legs are all intertwined together

His face is so close to my face ohoo

He is quite flawless I mean he's got no blemishes just clear porcine skin

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He is quite flawless I mean he's got no blemishes just clear porcine skin

He is quite beautiful so beautiful I could just ki~

I stopped myself as I was leaning closer and closer towards him

"What are you doing off ?" I asked myself

And as if on cue gun's eyes opened and because of our current position his eyes fell straight on mine

We had a good 30 second staring contest before he pushed himself off of me and I instantly felt the loss of his warmth

"Umm before you go on and blame this on me you were the one who was clinging onto me like a Koala" he spoke all nervously

I wanted to let out a chuckle because I kinda now remember almost everything from Last night even out talk

What I don't remember is how exactly this shorty made me tell him things that I don't think I'd ever be able to say infront of anyone

And somehow I feel okay about that I feel okay to let him know I don't know why but something inside me wants to trust him

Infact I almost want to protect him he has been through a lot too

What are you doing to me gun why are you making me feel this way

"Aau but you were the one being all clingy when I woke up , don't lie to me gun" I tried to be all serious

I finished my sentence and she quickly faced towards me as if he was all panicky

"Oi off you were the one who came into my room we talked and then when I asked you to leave you got into my bed " he whined

I couldn't hold it anymore I bursted out laughing

"What ?" He asked all confused

"Oho gun stop panicking i wasn't that drunk that I forgot everything maybe a few things are hazy but I remember most of it " I replied now actually kinda serious

"You remember our talk ?" He asked in a whisper I almost couldn't hear it but I did so I just nodded

"Oo then. Um thank you for last night talking about it and crying it out it really helped ah um and about what you told me you can trust me that I won't tell anyone about it and I hope that you'd do the same " he added

"Hm.. your secret's safe with me " I replied and he gave me the most genuine smile I'd ever seen

That smile made my entry body happy oh how I would love to see this smile every day

I made him smile like that, that fact also makes my heart so happy......

Oh boy...

I'm fucked


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