chapter 23

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Gun (pov)

"Ooi papi shut up I'm hanging up now see you tomorrow"

After hanging up I rolled around the bed and groaned trying to wrap my head around what he just said

How sure am I he wasn't drunk ? Ooi this is frustrating

What did he tell his por ?!? Did he tell him about the kiss no.. I mean what the hell

I got up and walked straight to mom's room and plopped face down on the bed and let out a little groan

"What happened baby boy ? Is puppy giving you trouble?" She spoke in a teasing tone and I glared at her

"Maree stop teasing naa" I whined

"Ah ah tell me what's up ? " She asked now a bit more seriously

"He invited me to lunch.." I replied

"So ? It's just lunch I suppose you guys have lunch every single day now it's on a weekend.."

"Yeah yeah but it's at his house with his dad.. because his dad wants to meet me" I replied and plopped my face on the bed again

"Oh. Woah he told his dad wow he does like you huh Ahah ooi gun this is great but what are you going to wear ? " She rambled

"Oi mae I'm already nervous don't make me more" I whined and moved up the bed

"Ahah it'll be okay boy he'll love you don't worry" she said and patted my head

I don't know when I lulled to sleep but I did I woke up in an empty bed and looked around for the clock

10:30 am

What the fuck ?!

"Maree why didn't you wake me ohoo I need to take a shower get ready " I cried as shot up from the bed and rushed to take a shower

I walked out with a towel wrapped around my waist and looked around my closet..vey calmly.

Who am I kidding my entire room was a mess with clothes flying about

"Ooi gunnie stopp " suddenly mae screamed making me pause mid throw

"I already picked out something for you  ..oho why did you have to make your room a mess I ain't cleaning it up " she spoke as she walked towards my study table and picked up the outfit she had pre planned ..

I gave out a sheepish smile while taking the blue shirt and the pair of jeans ..

I quickly got changed and walked down

"Ohoo so cutee " mae exclaimed as soon as o walked in and I just smiled


Ohoo why am I so scared? His por already likes me

I just rang the bell and stood Infront of the door

As soon as the door opened I saw off ohooo he looks so good so cute ooi I just want to pinch his cheeks

Control gun

I greeted his por and we all went in 

As soon as we sat on the couch I smelled something burning

"Um...uncle is something burning ?"I asked

"Shit the food" they both said in unison

We all got up and rushed to the kitchen and we three now stood infront of a Fully burnt Gaeng Daeng (Red Curry) and Khao Pad (Fried Rice)

Off and his dad walked towards the food to examined it further

Awwli they look so cute I thought and ended up letting out a slight laugh

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