chapter 6

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Gun (pov)

Because of yesterday's events I've gained a bit of a popularity in the college .

Today when me and new walked in a few seniors decided to strike up a conversation with us

Wow this guy is quite notorious for being untouchable and now that it seems as though I am too everybody wants to befriend me .

Yeah not gonna happen this is me and bee's first rule never become friends with people who are in it to benifit something

Anyways me and new are now in class waiting for the teacher I face new only to find him utterly indulged in his phone

While frowning

Why is he frowning ?

"What happened new ?"

"Gun" he whispered and I hummed

Oh boy he's upset , I'm betting it's his long distance boyfriend we'll it's a 2 hour drive but still

They started dating when we were in school P'Brian decided to sudy nearby where as me and new had already decided to come here

I hate that son of a bitch

"P'Brian might be ." He couldn't finish his sentence when he bursted out crying

"What did he do new don't cry bub " he cut me off by shoving his phone in my face

And that bastard was kissing another girl

Oh he's a dead man

Returning to why I hate him , he never cared for new but new was so blinded with his romantic words and shit that new looked past all his words he never saw that mans flaws 

love doesn't make you blind no it makes you stupid

I looked around and saw that our teacher was yet to come heck most of the students weren't still here I got up and started to pack my things

"What are you doing gun ?" New asked all confused

"We're going to teach that bastard a lesson" I said and grabbed new's hand and pulled him out

As we were walking out of the room I bumped into someone

"Ooi gun where are you going ?" The guy asked and i looked back to answer only to be greeted by mr.pole

Yes off jumpol is mr.pole deal with it

" None of your business" I howled

"Aau ai New why are you crying ?" The tan guy asked

Am I the only one who didn't bother to listen to people's names ?

"It's nothing Tay" new spoke in q whisper

Tan guy= Tay got it

Suddenly Tay came closer to new and cupped his face and made new look at him making me and mr.pole kinda shocked

When did they become friends ?

" What's wrong?" He again asked in a sincere voice making new break down

New spilled everything while being a crying mess right in the middle of the corridor

"So now if you'd excuse us we have somewhere to be " I spoke and dragged new with me we reached his car

Okay this is a problem

I don't drive and new is a  crying mess

I pulled out my phone to book a cab when this white  range rover with tinted windows came and stood right infront of us

The windows rolled down exposing mr.pole and Tay

"Hop in " Tay said

"Where do you think you're going ?" I asked

"You guys need a ride and we want to miss college win win situation " mr.pole said

This is for New plus the these two seem like they could beat someone up if they want to maybe that'll just intimidate that douchebag

I nodded and we got in

Tay handed me the GPS and i just entered the college new's now ex goes to hopefully we'll find him there if not I know his address too


We're an hour in and new finally decided to stop crying

"Umm so how long have you two been dating?" Tay suddenly asked

"A-about 4 years" new replied

"What an asshole" mr.polr decided to join in

Now everyone was looking at him

"What ? I mean if you're no longer in love then let them go what is up with cheating" he added and Tay nodded

" I personally despise cheaters " he added

"Well who likes them huh?" I retorted

"Well no one but some try to defend them and justify their actions by saying that they made a mistake , I mean you don't accidentally have sex or kiss someone regardless of how drunk or lonely you are cheating is not justifiable" wow okay maybe I hate him a little less

He seems pretty passionate about all this even Tay is a bit shocked with his behaviour

Just a midget

"Atleast my mom when she cheated she didn't try to justify herself she spoke the truth" he added in a slightly softer tone

And Tay who seemed shocked now also seemed  sympathetic

"Oh" thats all that came of my mouth

"Anyways let's change the topic from me " mr.~ off said and i nodded

"So can we see a picture of this guy " now Tay spoke

I waited a bit for new to get his phone but apparently this teddy bear fell asleep on my shoulders

He got exhausted I suppose so I pulled out my phone and showed them a photo of P'Brian

(A/n I really love his character in DBK and KMA and him as a person but I didn't know who else to use)

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(A/n I really love his character in DBK and KMA and him as a person but I didn't know who else to use)


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