chapter 35

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I pulled back just to look at his beautiful face both a bit out of breath

"Gun I love you so much " I spoke still a but short of breath

"I love you too papi" he replied and kissed me

His hands still around my neck and mine around his waist he pushed me back a bit and I followed till we reached the sofa

I quickly sat down and pulled him with me he was not straddling me we looked at each other now both with a bit lust filled eyes

This will be our first time after all ..

. We continued kissing my hands were now roaming all across his body I slipped one of my hand under his shirt making him whimper and let out a little moan

I switched our position to make him lay down on his back while I hovered over him

He gasped at the sudden movement

I started to kiss his neck while my hand still explored his body

"Papii ah wait w papi" he spoke in between moans

I really didn't want to stop kissing his neck but at the same time I want him to be comfortable so I stopped and slightly looked up

"Gun don't make me stop now please na" I whined

"I don't want you to stop but let's just go to my room mae will be back tomorrow morning and I don't want to give her a show and I don't think you do too " he replied making me push myself off and stand up

The Idea of laying infront of his mom naked gives me chills

He stood up and I just looked at him

"What happened ?" He asked

How the fuck did I get so lucky

"Nothing "I smiled and leaned down to kiss him

Not like the kiss we shared a minute ago

I have him a passionate kiss when we parted we just smiled looking at eachother

He laced our hands  together and led me to his room

When we got to his room he made me sit on the bed and again straddled me

He pushed me back making me lay flat on bed

He leaned forward and kissed my lips and trailed his kiss down my jaw to my neck making me moan

He didn't stop there he then slowly unbuttoned my shirt and placed wet kissed all down my chest making me arch my back a bit

I pulled him up and sat up to take my already unbuttoned shirt off completely

He continued to kiss me passionately while I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it upto take it off

While removing his shirt gun moved a bit making him ride on my Fully hardened length

"Ahh fuck gun don't do that "I moaned

"What papi ?" He asked inocently while moving his ass back and forth to create friction

Making me throw my head back and moan

I flipped us around and practically threw him on the bed making him gasp

I Hovered over him and just looked at his beautiful body which already had a few hickies coming up

How perfect can a person get I thought as I looked at his pretty muscular boy

"What happened papi?" He asked a bit concerned

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