chapter 15

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Off (pov)

In the middle of my breakdown I felt a soft pair of lips land on mine

We parted and I saw gun right infront of me

He kissed me .

Why did you stop ?!?

"You kissed me" instead of the other questions I asked this

"Um yeah um so you seemed like having a panic attack and I read somewhere what holding your breath helps and so. Um when I kissed you~" I didn't let him ramble on

I just put my arms around his waist and pulled him closer and just kissed him right in the middle of the path

His lips are so soft

Wait he's letting me kiss him

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Wait he's letting me kiss him

I nibbled on his lower lip making him gasp a bit and I used that opportunity to slip my toung in I explored his entire mouth making him moan a bit

I wanted to continue but I suppose his moan made him realise where exactly we were

We parted and I just wanted to get back to kissing his beautiful lips that are now a bit swollen

With this close proximity I can see evry single feature of his face the slight blush on the cheek and his eyes looking anywhere but into mine

He swallowed a bit before speaking

" Ummm.. so We should get to the restaurant.. Tay new must be waiting" he said in almost a whisper

And I just nodded

We parted but none of us made a move to get away from each other I was still holding on to him and he didn't seem to mind

"Gun" I called out

Now finally he looked up and met my eyes

"Don't ever leave me " I added

Once he heard what I said he immediately looked down towards his shoes and gave our a little nod

"We should go" he sounds so shy

Ah he's making my heart go haywire

Oh I'm going to malfunction if he keeps this up

I nodded and let him go I was waiting for him to lead the way when

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