chapter 17

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"Gunnie did someone stay over last night ?" Mae asked as soon as I walked into the kitchen

"Oh yeah .. umm sorry I didn't tell you before I didn't even know he was still outside" I replied

"Still outside ? Whatever is he still here ? Call him for breakfast na "

"Mae don't you have a meeting ? Aren't you getting late ?" I asked

"Why want to spend time alone with him ?" She asked and wiggled her eyebrows

"Oi what are you saying mae it's not that " I replied

"Yes tell the same to your blush too" she teased and I just cupped my face to hide it

"I'll just go call him .." I said and rushed upstairs

"Why tease me like that " I spoke befor getting into the guestroom to wake off up

I walked in and pulled the blinds to let sunlight come through

The whole room lit up and I was finally able to see off

He groaned when he felt the light hit his eyes and pulled up his blanket

I didn't even know I was smiling looking at him sleep

Ooi why am I looking at him sleeping that's creepy

"Off get up" I called out as I tugged on to the blanket

"Ahmn.. 5 more mwnutes" he mumbled with his eyes still shut and pulling the blanket back

"You said you wanted to have breakfast together na ? If you still do then get up " I replied while trying my best not to smile like an idiot

His eyes shot open he quickly sat up straight and rubbed his eyes

"I'm up let's eat " he said looking at me and flashed me a smile

I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle

"Ah ah brush your teeth there's and extra toothbrush in the bathroom and come down and join me and mae" I replied while he just nodded

"Wait what ?! Your mother is her too ? Ooi hui need to get ready then" he said as he walked around in a slight panic

"Huh ? Just freshen up and come down mae is getting late she's got a meeting" I replied and walked out

I walked down only to see a table full of food

"Ooi mae whats the occasion ?" I asked as I picked up a muffin ? When did we get muffins ?

"Put that down let the other young man come down I can't wait to see the boy who shook my boy's heart" she said

"Ooi mae stop it na" I whined while almost tackling her which ended up as us just hugging and she just laughed

"Ahem" we heard off standing on the side

"Good morning aunty" he added and wied

I just he'd back my laugh.. since when did he become so soft spoken meanwhile mae untangled her self from me and returned his greetings

"What's your name son.. gunnie here has yet to tell me that" she spoke as we all made out way to sit on the table

"Off , off Jumpol Adulkittiporn" he almost stuttered saying his own name

"Adulkittiporn... Wait your dad owns the college right ?" Mae asked and he nodded

"So you're the one who tried to get my gunnie kicked out ?" She asked , I chocked on my muffin and off's eyes widened and I could see a bead of sweat

"Um. Um yes ma'am but I'm sorry about that and that'll not happening again duh heh" he stuttered

"Ooi mae don't do this to him he's already scared out of his mind don't make him have a panic attack" I spoke

And mae just laughed and nodded meanwhile off still seemed pretty shaken up

"Ah ah you tow help yourself to breakfast I've got a meeting to go to " she said and got up

"See you kiddo" she said as she placed a kiss on my head and left

I turned my face towards off who was just simply staring at me with almost a sad smile

"What happened ?" I asked

He shook his head before saying

"Nothing I'm just really jealous of you and your mom " he said and looked down towards his plate and gave out a sad smile

Jealous ? Oh

I got up and hugged him he just wrapped his hands around my waist and nuzzled his face on my stomach

"It's okay to cry off " I said as I felt him holding back
And there he goes

My shirt got wet and I couldn't care less I just want to be here for him

I cupped his face and made him look at me

His eyes were all red and puffy I used my thumbs to slowly wipe off his tears

"It gets so lonely sometimes.. "he whispered

"What about your dad ?" I asked

"Hm? What about him?"

"I'm sure that he must be lonely too" I replied

"Hah he wasn't he instead ignored me and got straight back to work leaving me with the nannies" he replied

"Have you talked to him about it ? He must have been hurt "

"I'm telling you he doesn't care he barely cares about me he only agrees to what I want so that he doesn't have to deal with me" he spoke and untangled himself

"Off that man is willing to kick someone out on your one call .. people have different ways to show care just try and talk to him na " I spoke while taking a seat right beside him

"Gun can we leave this ?" He replied and I just nodded

I don't want to pry anymore we just had our food and he soon left


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