Chapter 3: Pulling Me Towards It

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"Look who finally graced us with his presence" Yash, Rohan's manager said, when he saw Rohan entering his office, exactly two hours late. 

Rohan rolled his eyes and sat down on the chair, "Be glad I came Yash".

Yash sighed, "Rohan you really need to fix your attitude, with every passing second you seem to be getting worse and worse, if it was any other manager they would have long left you and your trouble making ass".

"What did I do this time? I thought this week was my best week ever".

"If getting into a bar fight, punching a paparazzi, smashing your studio and gym is your best week ever, then you need some serious help".

"In my defence, the guy at the bar came up to me, I didn't purposely go up to him and start a fight, and the stupid paparazzi didn't get a hint to not mess with me when I'm hungover, and about smashing my studio and gym, they are my personal properties, I can do whatever I want with them".

Yash sighed and handed Rohan the newspaper, "Rohan the media is calling you reckless, they are saying that the fame has gotten to your head, if this continues then I'm scared people will stop buying your music".

Rohan smirked and looked at the newspaper, in which the headline was, Rockstar Ro has gone rogue, "Have you watched rockstar?".

Yash looked at Rohan in confusion, "Excuse me?".

"I asked have you watched Ranbir Kapoor's rockstar".

 "Yes I have Rohan, but what does that have to do with you".

"All the negative press Ranbir's character got caused his album to fly off the charts".

Yash face palmed himself, "Rohan this isn't some movie, its real life, you need to learn that every action has a equal reaction, we need to do something ASAP to show your fans that the fame hasn't gone to your head and Rockstar Ro hasn't gone rogue".

"I feel like you have a plan for that?".

Yash knew now was the time, he knew convincing Rohan will be hard as he has refused to preform anywhere in India, but this is the perfect opportunity to reform his image, and he also needs to learn that he can't have everything go according to him all the time. 

"You need to preform in India".

Rohan looked at Yash, waiting for him to laugh and say his just joking, but that never came, "This is a joke right?".

"No Rohan its not a joke".

Rohan stood up from his chair and glared at Yash, "Nope, absolutely not, I told you I'm not preforming anywhere in India".

"Rohan listen to me, its not a proper performance, your just going to be preforming at a small orphanage".

Rohan looked at Yash in confusion, "You want me to preform at a orphanage?".


"Why would you want me to preform at a orphanage?".

"Rohan by preforming at a orphanage you will be showing everyone that your still down to earth, you will be showing everyone that just for the happiness for some children you agreed to perform at the orphanage for free".

Rohan raised his eyebrows at Yash, "I don't preform for free and you know that Yash".

"Rohan they are orphans and they are huge fan of yours".


"Rohan I'm not hearing any excuses your preforming at this orphanage and don't worry the only people allowed to attend this mini concert are the orphanage children and staff".

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